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The head giant nodded, showing that at least he understood something, and then spoke to his companions. They conversed in their loud voices for some time, and then motioned to the pack animals. "I guess they want us to come along," said Torn, "but let's have breakfast first. Rad, get things going.

It occurred to me that Rad and his father had ridden home together to make up their quarrel, and the reflection added considerably to my peace of mind. I had felt vaguely uncomfortable over the matter all day, for I knew that the old man was always miserable after a misunderstanding with his son, and I strongly suspected that Radnor himself was far from happy.

"See here," he said, "I'm not a thief, though perhaps you think I pulled out that jewelry purse on purpose. It was an accident, Rad, so I'll forgive your hastiness. But your Worship mustn't pull out cutlery on me. I'll not stand that from any man living. That's right, put it up. Back goes the pistol into its pocket, and now we're friends again.

Eradicate was rushing about, not knowing what to do, but still keeping up his shouting. "It's on de roof! De roof am all blazin'!" he yelled. "Quit your noise, and get to work!" cried Tom. "Get out a ladder, Rad, and raise it to the side of the shed. Then play this extinguisher on the blaze. Mr. Jackson, you help me run the Humming-Bird out. After she's safe we'll tackle the fire."

He and his companions went in the Lucifer, minus, now, the big load of chemicals, and on landing near the hangar Tom was surprised to see Koku the giant running toward him. The big man showed every symptom of great excitement as he cried: "Oh, Master Tom! He see the light ob day! he see the light ob day now! Oh, so glad! So glad!" "Who sees the light of day?" asked the young inventor. "Black Rad!

"Yes, Rad, I want you to help make a scarecrow." "A scarecrow, Massa Tom! Good land a' massy! What fo' yo' want ob a scarecrow? Yo'-all ain't raisin' no corn, am yo'?" "No, but I want something to shoot at when Ned Newton comes over to-night." "Suffin t' shoot at? Why Massa Tom! Good land a' massy! Yo'-all ain't gwine t' hab no duel, am yo'?"

I myself did not for an instant credit his suspicions, but I thought the wisest thing to do was to tell Rad just how the matter stood and let him explain in regard to the letter. I left Clancy waiting in the summer house while I went in search of Rad. I wished to be the one to do the explaining as I knew he was not likely to take any such accusation calmly.

For, as Eradicate hastened to help the stout passenger, two others behind him, a man and a boy, started preciptably at the sight of the colored helper. So confused were they that it was noticed by Ned and his chum. "Look at that!" said Ned in a low voice, their attention drawn from the fat man to the man and youth immediately behind him. "You'd think they were afraid of meeting Rad."

Claude's face suddenly set in a stony vacancy, and with his eyes staring straight before him he responded: "I-n, in-, e, inerad-, r-a-d, rad-, inerad-, ineraddy-, ineradica-, c-a, ca, ineradica-, ineradicabili-, b-i-elly-billy, ineradicabili-, ineradicabili-, t-y, ty, ineradicability." "Right! Claude, my boy! my always good scholar, right!"

The broken glass was scattered all about the roof of the porch and the old colored man lay groaning there. "What did you do this for, Eradicate?" demanded Tom. "You act worse than a ten-year-old boy." "I's done killed, Massa Tom!" groaned Rad with confidence. "I's blood from haid to foot!" There was a scratch on his bald crown from which a few drops of blood flowed.