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I tought de ladies had gone ter dere rooms, an' I put out de light in de pantry, an' was watchin' an' waitin' an' listenin' to be sho' dat no one was 'roun, when I heared a step in de hall. De pantry doah was on a crack, an' I peeps out, an' my bref was nigh took away when I sees a rebel ossifer, de one dat got away in de fight.

Here and there a lantern made an orange blur against the black. Some of the men held coils of rope with light grappling-irons spliced to the free ends. Others had home-made boat-hooks, the poles of which were fully ten feet long. They heard the dull boom of a gun to seaward. "She bes closer in!" exclaimed Pat Lynch. "Aye, closer in nor when I first heared her.

He an' Mejia an' Miramon were took out on a hill near the ruins of an old stone fort an' shot. I didn't see it, 'cause I was under guard with Fletcher an' the rest; but I heared some of 'em who did see it say that just before the shooting was done Max he says to Miramon, 'The bravest man should have the post of honor; so he puts Miramon in the middle, an' Max he stood on the left.

"Dat chicken smells mighty good, Sis' Milly," the elder was saying; "I can't fer de life er me see why dat low-down husban' er yo'n could ever run away f'm a cook like you. It 's one er de beatenis' things I ever heared. How he could lib wid you an' not 'preciate you I can't understan', no indeed I can't." Aunt Milly sighed.

Story of Aunt Harriet Mason age 100 a slave girl: "When I was seven years old my missis took me to Bourbon County, when we got to Lexington I tried to run off and go back to Bryantsville to see my mammy. Mas'r Gano told me if I didn't come the sheriff would git me. I never liked to go to Lexington since. "One Sunday we was going to a big meetin' we heared som'in rattling in the weeds.

Gilfil was niver to be spoke to about her, and nobody else hereabout knowed anythin'. Howiver, she must ha' come over pretty young, for she spoke English as well as you an' me. It's them Italians as has such fine voices, an' Mrs. Gilfil sung, you never heared the like. He brought her here to have tea with me one afternoon, and says he, in his jovial way, "Now, Mrs. Patten, I want Mrs.

"Oh-h-h-h!" groaned Sam. "I beg your pardon, sir," said cook, speaking very loudly, "but please you ain't going to whip Mr Tom, are you?" "Silence, woman! Go down to your kitchen!" roared her master. "Yes, sir directly, sir; but Mr Sam's allus at him, and he begun it to-night, for I heared him." "Will you go down and mind your own business, woman?"

"Where in the world are you going, Mrs. Peet?" I asked. "Can't be you ain't heared about me, dear?" said she. "Well, the world's bigger than I used to think 't was. I've broke up, 'twas the only thing to do, and I'm a-movin' to Shrewsbury." "To Shrewsbury? Have you sold the farm?" I exclaimed, with sorrow and surprise. Mrs.

We heared tell as he'd sold his own land to come and take the Warrens, and that seemed odd for a man as had land of his own, to come and rent a farm in a strange place.

"These boys and I " began Mr. Adams; but Eph interrupted. "I'll do the talkin', fust. You save yore powder. This gentleman an' these two lads belong to a party I met up with at t'other end the valley. They were prospectin' for a claim they'd heared of.

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