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Updated: January 5, 2025

Meanwhile we're going into the hole every night. I can't stand it. We were making all kinds of money with The Baroness. Come, let's go back to it!" His voice filled with love, for she was his ideal. "Sis, I hate to see you doing this. It cuts me to the heart. Why, some of these newspaper shads actually pretend to pity you you, the greatest romantic actress in America!

"You're talking foolishly," he said, in a tone his smile belied. "Maybe I am. Say, I could track Will." "Well?" "I'm goin' to. But I'll need your help. See here, Peter, I'll need to get away from sis, an' if I get out without sayin', she'll set half the village lookin' to find me. If I'm with you, she won't. See?" Peter nodded. "But why do you want to track him?"

Sis has seen her most a hundred times. She was awful deef she's dead, now. Aint she, father!"

"I have directed our liveryman to send over his best nag and a cutter this morning," said Albert at breakfast the next day to his friend, "and you and Alice can take a sleigh-ride and see Sandgate snow-clad. I have some business matters to attend to." Later, when he was alone with Alice, he added with a smile: "You need not feel obliged to wear your new sacque, sis; it's not very cold."

We have always pampered the boy," declared Helen, her eyes twinkling. "I know just what I'll wear, Ruthie." "Oh, we've clothes enough," admitted the girl of the Red Mill rather listlessly. "Shucks!" said Tom again. "Never mind the fashions. Get that letter written, Sis." So it was agreed. Helen wrote, the letter was sent.

What I've got is yours, of course, but how much have we got, together? What chanct has a girl got? And a blind woman's a beggar, Sis. It's tough. But what are you going to do? Girls is flocking back out of Washington. The war factories is closing. There's thousands on the streets." "Annie, what do you mean?" "Oh, now, hush, Sis! Don't look at me that way, even through your glasses. It hurts.

Equidem minime miror, si quando es in privatos dicatior, cum in ipsos principes tam facile inveharis, et tamen nullius injuria, aut vitae contumelia facit, ut tam sis promptus, aut copiosus in eorum objurgationem. Novi nonnullos qui abs te excipi deberent ab reliquorum caterva viri docti, egregii, omnique laude et commendatione dignissimi.

"Any dirty thing he can trump up, Sis," said Cleve gravely, "he's a-goin' to make it a nasty mess an' I wish to God you'd jest ride on down th' Wall with me an' never even look back." He leaned from his saddle and took the blue-veined hand in his. There was an unspeakable tenderness in his eyes as he regarded his sister. "What you say, Ellen? There's life below, an' work an' other men.

One does not know what the child may be like." "Hardly a child, mamma," pouted Marion. "Evadne must be as old as I." "If that is so, Sis, she must have the wisdom of Methusaleh!" and Louis looked at his sister with one of his mocking smiles. "At any rate she will afford scope for your powers of training, Isabelle. It must be depressing to have to waste your eloquence upon an audience of one."

Teague had other talks with Sis some general, some half-confidential, and he finally became aware of the fact that every subject led to Woodward. He humoured this, awkwardly but earnestly, and thought he had a clew, but it was a clew that pestered him more than ever. He turned it round in his mind and brooded over it.

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