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Updated: January 8, 2025
He had only to let loose his natural gift for talking scandalously about his fellow creatures. And in this case his great practice in it was assisted by hate, which, like love, has an eloquence of its own.
"Good heavens!" she exclaimed; "you don't mean to say " "Please don't ask any more," said Payn pleadingly; "I really could not tell you." Which was true to the ear, if not to the sense. Municipal eloquence has been time out of mind a storehouse of delight.
Contents: Poetry and Imagination. Social Aims. Eloquence. Resources. The Comic. Quotation and Originality. Progress of Culture. Persian Poetry. Inspiration. Greatness. Immortality. Address at the Unveiling of the Statue of "The Minute-Man" at Concord. Publication of Collected Poems. In December, 1874, Emerson published "Parnassus," a Collection of Poems by British and American authors.
Purcell opened the door for Dora more punctiliously than usual, and came back to the hearthrug still inflated as it were with his own eloquence. Meanwhile Lucy was washing up the tea things. The little servant had brought her a bowl of water and an apron, and Lucy was going gingerly through an operation she detested. Why shouldn't Mary Ann do it?
He had won the Emperor by his Italian suppleness and a genius for intrigue, a drawing-room eloquence, and a knowledge of manners, which are so good a substitute for the higher qualities of a sterling man.
Know that he who digs for his brother a pit, himself soon falls into it. "My most solemn and wise bird," said Minerva one day to her Owl, "I have hitherto admired you for your profound silence; but I have now a mind to have you show your ability in discourse, for silence is only admirable in one who can, when he pleases, triumph by his eloquence and charm with graceful conversation."
Three years before, his uncle Arius had sent him with excellent letters of introduction to Rome to become acquainted with the life of the capital and try whether, in spite of his origin, his brilliant gifts of eloquence would forward his fortunes there.
McKnight threw the door open, and Hotchkiss, raised on his toes, flung out his arm in a gesture of superb eloquence. "Behold your man!" he declaimed. Through the open doorway came a tall, blond fellow, clad in light gray, wearing tan shoes, and followed closely by an officer. "I brought him here as you suggested, Mr. McKnight," said the constable.
On the other hand, there is in Teufelsdrockh a depth and fervor of feeling, and a power of serious eloquence, far beyond that of any of these four writers; and to which indeed there is nothing at all comparable in any of them, except perhaps now and then, and very imperfectly, in Montaigne.
The occasion was special in the highest degree. But, says Mr. Ben was much in the habit of giving "sendoffs" of great eloquence to poetic "ventures" now forgotten. What could "the efficient cause" be in the case of the Folio? At once Mr. Greenwood has recourse to Bacon; he cannot, do what he will, keep Bacon "out of the Memorial." Ben wrote verses about the Genius of the old house,
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