Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: August 6, 2024
The doctor shook his head, long and slowly. Mrs. Friedland quietly replaced the rugs which had gone wandering, in the energy of these remarks. "You see, Jane, if it's true 'ne croit qui veut' it's still more true, 'ne doute qui veut! To doubt doubt wholesomely, cheerfully, fruitfully why, my dear, there's no harder task in the world!
Then we beheld the high road to Namur which passed through the center of the lovely picture "as if inviting us to look upon the road Napoleon took to make his escape when in the agony of his heart he exclaimed 'Sauve qui peut! and fled from the field." Near La Belle Alliance is a monument to the memory of the German legion.
Ainsi dans son premier livre, qui traite de Jérusalem, il vous parlera de la colonne où Jésus fut flagellé, de la lance qui lui perça le coté, de son suaire, d'une pierre sur laquelle il pria et qui porte l'empreinte de ses genoux, d'une autre pierre sur laquelle il étoit quand il monta au ciel, et qui porte l'empreinte de ses pieds, d'un linge tissu par la Vierge et qui le représente: du figuier où se pendit Judas; enfin de la pierre sur laquelle expira saint Etienne, etc etc.
The Prussians were in their rear; the British were charging their front, and panic had seized the most brilliant cavalry the world had ever seen. "Sauve qui peut" is echoed now and re-echoed all along the crest of the plateau.
It was on this very passage that M. Hallier, before he became one of our friends, quizzed Father Bauny, saying of him ‘Ecce qui tollit peccata mundi—Behold the man who taketh away the sins of the world.’” Then after an elaborate description of all that goes to make a sin— “‘O my dear sir,’ cried I, ‘what a blessing this will be to some friends of my acquaintance!
The fine, pointed writing was curiously familiar to Mr. Caryll. He looked at the signature at the bottom of the page. It swam before his eyes ANTOINETTE-"Celle qui l'adore, Antoinette," he read, and the whole world seemed blotted out for him; all consciousness, his whole being, his every sense, seemed concentrated into his eyes as they gazed upon that relic of a deluded woman's dream.
"Si Ludovic, qui jadys pleine cacque Heut de ducatz et pouvoir magnifique, Est en exil, sans targe, escu ne placque, Captif, afflict, plus mausain que cung heticque, Et que, de main hostile et inimique, Malheur le fiere rudement et estocque Gloire mondaine est fragile et caducque."
"Then everything will depend on you. You must be alert and prompt, on the qui vive to seize your opportunity. It will be your business to make your way to her with the dummy the instant the train stops." "I shall have to find her." "That is the first and chief thing on your part. You must find her at once. There are very few minutes for the whole job.
One morning Major Tracy and I had just got across the railway-line, when we heard the loading bell, and immediately there was a sauve qui pent among all the niggers round us, who had been but a moment before lolling, sleeping, and joking, in their usual fashion.
The world seemed normal again as we passed through other towns unharmed and swept by the dark countryside, till a red light rose in our path and a sharp "Qui vive?" came out of the night as we slowed down. This was not the only sentry call from a French Territorial in front of a barricade. At a second halt we found a chain as well as a barricade across the road.
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