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Accordingly, on August 30, the line beginning at Port sur Seille, east of the Moselle and extending to the west through St. Mihiel, thence north to a point opposite Verdun, was placed under my command.

Gay-Lussac, in his "Mémoire sur la Fermentation," alludes to Appert's method of preserving beer-wort unfermented for an indefinite time, by simply boiling the wort and closing the vessel in which the boiling fluid is contained, in such a way as thoroughly to exclude air; and he shows that, if a little yeast be introduced into such wort, after it has cooled, the wort at once begins to ferment, even though every precaution be taken to exclude air.

If he did such things, the old Huronite was foggy upon the subject and reserved, limiting his assertions to the statement, that "the British actor" was a farceur, and likewise un danseur très-renommé sur la corde tendue. Long afterwards, when I resided at Quebec, my visits to Lorette were very frequent.

The reasons for this step are so numerous, that I can hardly attempt to enumerate them. I considered the great objections which existed to either of these courses. Sur ces entrefaites, came further letters from Canning, begging for more help from me, and showing that things are even worse with him than they were when I first heard from him.

Therefore I could do nothing but attempt to describe that effort and to speculate upon its success. 'L'Esprit travaillant sur les données de l'expérience. The French phrase, neater as usual than our own, may be taken as the starting-point in our discussion.

The thinker who has faced this difficulty most radically is Georges Sorel in the "Reflexions sur la Violence." His doctrine of the "social myth" has seemed to many commentators one of those silly paradoxes that only a revolutionary syndicalist and Frenchman could have put forward.

This valley is cut off from the sea by the Coast Range of mountains which forms the provincial line between Abra and Ilocos Sur, while another heavy spur forms the northern limits of Abra from Ilocos Sur to the Cordillera Central.

Journal d'un Voyage dans les Cercles du Rhin. Par Collini. Paris, 1777. 8vo. Chiefly mineralogical. 329. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'

Few of the new provinces which the last three centuries have brought under the control of the European race, would tolerate any interference by the law-making power with what they regard as the most sacred of civil rights the right, namely, of every man to do what he will with his own. Clave, Etudes sur l'Economie Forestiere, p. 32.

Francis encouraged him by further gifts, and so praised his work that the author soon published the thirty in a book which he dedicated to the king; and to which he also prefixed a metrical address to the ladies of France, bidding these fair dames to place their "doigts sur les espinettes Pour dire sainctes chansonnettes."

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