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Thus that the Cristo della Moneta bears the "Ticianus F." on the collar of the Pharisee's shirt is an additional argument in favour of maintaining its date as originally given by Vasari , instead of putting it back to 1508 or thereabouts. Among a good many other paintings with this last signature may be mentioned the Jeune Homme au Gant and Vierge au Lapin of the Louvre; the Madonna with St.

Not since the third day before Christmas had Vanno come to Roquebrune, nor had he written his old friend; and certainly the curé had wondered, for now the new year was more than a week old; and always the weather had been of that brilliance the peasant women consider necessary after Noël for the washing of the Christ child's clothes by the Sainte Vierge, His mother.

It seemed to have slid from a taller height above, and to have been arrested by miracle before much harm was done; and Vanno remembered the curé's first letter which had told him the legend of the place: how Roquebrune in punishment for the sins of its inhabitants was shaken off its high eyrie by a great earthquake, but stopped on the shoulder of the mountain through intercession of the Virgin, the special patron sainte vierge of the district.

The gate in this was open now, and the new-made grave was one mass of white flowers, wreaths and crosses, snowdrops, hyacinths, camellias, and the like, and at the feet was a flowerpot with growing plants of the white hyacinth called in France 'lys de la Vierge. These, before they became frequent in England, had been grown in Mr. Dutton's greenhouse, and having been favourites with Mrs.

The madonna in the National Gallery, London, known as "La Vierge au Panier," was formerly in the Royal Gallery at Madrid. During the French invasion of Spain, Mr. Wallace, an English artist, obtained it. It is painted on a panel, and is 13½ inches high by 10 inches wide. In 1813 it was offered for sale in London at twelve hundred pounds.

To be sure, a religious house had offered me a good place, thanks to Father Rielle, at a good figure for Canada, but there are other countries, Artémise, there are other countries, and I am still young, n'est-ce-pas?" "Mademoiselle will never be old. She has the air of a princess, the complexion d'une vierge!"

But he could imagine a parting with some sweet daughter of France, and he added another verse to the thrilling of the heart of Casimir Delavigne: "Beloved Isaure, Her hand makes sign No more, no more, To rest in mine. O vierge Marie, Pour moi priez Dieu! Adieu, dear land, Isaure, adieu!"

Thus, I have seen a German Madonna seated on a superb throne, and most elaborately and gorgeously arrayed, pressing her Child to her bosom with a truly maternal air; while beside her, on a table, is a honeycomb, some butter, a dish of fruit, and a glass of water. Ital. La Madonna col Bambino. La Madonna col celeste suo figlio. Fr. La Vierge et l'enfant Jesus. Ger. Maria mit dem Kind.

Pardon, Reine des Anges et des hommes! pardon de ce qu'apres avoir recu de vous tant de marques, par lesquelles vous m'avez convaincu que vous m'avez adopte pour votre fils, j'ai eu l'ingratitude pendant des annees entieres de me comporter encore plutot en esclave de Satan qu'en enfant d'une Mere Vierge.

Hamerton now and then. They said in one of their letters: "Since you will not come to America and see for yourself, we want to show you that our aborigines are as good specimens of the genus homo as they make anywhere." In the Parc des Princes lives a great artist, Urrabieta Vierge, whose house and studio were only a few minutes distant from Clematis. Mr.