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But when, in the second half of the fifteenth century, those old tales of Charlemagne received, after so many centuries of alterations and ephemeral embodiments, that artistic form which the Middle Ages had been unable to give them, the stories themselves, and the way in which they were regarded, were totally different from what they had been in the time of Theroulde, or of the anonymous author of "The Quatre Fils Aymon;" the Renaissance, with its keen artistic sense, made out of the Carolingian tales real works of art, but works of art which were playthings.

How easily and how naturally he lives in the pose, the body bent forward, the elbows on the table! Fine as the Orchardson undoubtedly is, it seems fatigued and explanatory by the side of this wonderful rendering of life; thin and restless like Dumas fils' dialogue when we compare it with Ibsen's.

The conqueror of Asia seemed to him to be wanting in actuality. And leaning toward his wife, Caterna hastened to say: "As a scene, I have seen a better at the Porte-Saint Martin, in the Fils de la Nuit " "And I have at the Châtelet in Michael Strogoff." We cannot do better than leave our comedians alone. They look at everything from the theatrical point of view.

It may, indeed, have contributed to form their mutual life. It was more equitable and caused fewer collisions. At the slightest disagreement it was at once "Monsieur mon fils" or simply "Monsieur," or "Madame ma mere," or "Madame." At one time his health seemed likely to suffer: his rapid growth and the studies, to which she kept him very closely, were too much for his strength.

The English monosyllabic refrain, with its touching balance of rhythm, loses nearly all of its esthetic effect in the French translation: "Car mon fils, que voici, était mort, mais il est ressuscité; il était perdu, mais il est retrouvé."

What I want you to do is to cable my shippers, Armand et Fils, Rue du Temple, find out who owns this cabinet, and buy it for me." "Perhaps the owner won't sell," I suggested. "Oh yes, he will. Anything can be bought for a price." "You mean you're going to have this cabinet, whatever the cost?" "I mean just that." "But, surely, there's a limit." "No, there isn't."

She said nothing, however, for, though she had no love for children, Ivan was quiet enough to have won her liking. "Eh bien, mon fils, tu m'as vu. Allez vous en! Retournez immédiatement au lit. Tu vas prendre un rhume! Allez! Vite!" Laughing, she kissed the boy nor had far to stoop to reach his lips. Then, with a gentle hand, she led him back to the door.

Reiss records the death of a woman who was hastily buried while her husband was away, and on his return he ordered exhumation of her body, and on opening the coffin a child's cry was heard. The infant had evidently been born postmortem. It lived long afterward under the name of "Fils de la terre."

"You have no sentimental nonsense, no silly infatuation, borrowed from Balzac or Dumas fils, to fear from me. The benchers of the Inner Temple will tell you that Robert Audley is troubled with none of the epidemics whose outward signs are turn-down collars and Byronic neckties.

I have heard that the Roi Candaule was originally an act of La Boule, and the Photographe seems as though it had dropped from La Vie Parisienne by mistake. In M. Meilhac's earlier five-act plays, the Vertu de Celimène and the Petit fils de Mascarille, there is great power of conception, a real grip on character, but the main action is clogged with tardy incidents, and so the momentum is lost.

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