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The goodman did not stammer over the last words. "Eh!" cried Madame des Grassins, "why it is a pleasure to go to Paris. I would willingly pay to go myself." She made a sign to her husband, as if to encourage him in cutting the enemy out of the commission, coute que coute; then she glanced ironically at the two Cruchots, who looked chap-fallen.

Mon mamelouck venoit de recontrer aussi cinq ou six de ses compatriotes. C'étoient de jeunes esclaves Circassiens que l'on conduisoit au soudan. Il voulut

[Footnote 18: «La dénomination de granit veiné que j'ai,

This note was sealed with a seal which as lovers they had both used. Madame de la Baudraye had had the word Parce que engraved on a genuine Oriental carnelian a potent word a woman's word the word that accounts for everything, even for the Creation. The Countess had just finished dressing to go to the Opera; Friday was her night in turn for her box. At the sight of this seal she turned pale.

A draught from the gourd of a passing peon gave me new life for the corresponding descent. Several of these fellow-roadsters now appeared, courteous fellows, often with black mustaches and imperial a la Napoleon III, who raised their hats and greeted me with a sing-song "Que se vaya bien," yet seemed remarkably stupid and perhaps a trifle treacherous.

DON EDUARDO. Y al notar yo el furor de sus miradas y el calor con que se expresa, le protesto a usted empiezo a temer además que ya no quiera atender a otras razones, que nos quiera separar, y aun para separarnos más pronto que la coja ahora mismo del brazo y se la lleve a su gabinete. DON PEDRO. Eso es, eso es, ni más ni menos, lo que voy a hacer.... Vente conmigo. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Pero papá?

El argumento de la falta de preparación suficiente de la mujer filipina favorece y justifica la posición intelectual de los imperialistas de una metrópoli que no encuentran a una colonia jamás preparada o educada suficientemente para recibir sus derechos soberánicos.

There was one in which a senior curate in uniform the story is told in France of a much more august person is represented waving a farewell to a party of French soldiers, expressing the hope que le bon Dieu vous blesserait toujours. We need not concern ourselves with his French. Staff officers and even generals have made less excusable blunders.

Never may we become plus sages que les sages, as the French comedian has happily expressed it wiser than all the wise and good men who have lived before us. It was their wish, to see public and private virtues, not dissonant and jarring, and mutually destructive, but harmoniously combined, growing out of one another in a noble and orderly gradation, reciprocally supporting and supported.

"I am in a hole, and have to get out as best I can. Il faut que je file. Here is your little prodder." His arm swung. Something flashed in the sky, fell, always flashing, and stuck in the hillside above him, quivering there. It was the boy's dirk. The Gentleman had gone, and the scent-bottle with him. The boy stood on a track that ran among the gorse, and looked about him.

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