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Updated: September 4, 2024

She never knew how I loved her, or she would never have rejected me like this! This was my consolation ample, wasn't it? Ay de mi! Un anno felice, Parece un soplo ligero: Pero sin dicha un instante, Es un siglo de tormente. " And with mine eyes I'll drink the words you send, though ink be made of gall!" It was broad daylight when I got home.

Se vera VM. que yo no escribo Portugues ni aun lo hablo, pero, haviendo aprendido el Castellano, no nos faltara medio de communicar y tener conversacion. Ruego se escuse esta carta escrita sin tinta, porque un Indio dexo caer mi tintero y quebrose. Dios le de a VM. muchos anos de salud. Entretanto, tengo el honor de ser Su mas obedeciente servidor, Incertus, quo fata ferant, ubi sistere detur.

MARQUESA. Qué disparate; una cosa es hacer telégrafos por entre las ventanas, y otra cosa es casarse. DOÑA MATILDE. Pero supongo que siempre te habrás casado enamorada de tu marido. MARQUESA. No lo creas ... ni le hasta que todo estaba tratado y firmado. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y eres dichosa?

Pero de Alemquer, who had been pilot to Bartholomew Diaz, was to regulate the course of the vessels. The crews, including ten criminals who were put on board to be employed on any dangerous service, amounted to one hundred and sixty persons. What feeble means these, what almost absurd resources, compared with the grandeur of the mission which these men were to accomplish!

And in all the rest, I take my stand upon what has already been said, and protest by what has already been protested. I order you, Pero Bernaldez, notary-public of this fleet, to notify him thereof, and deliver into my hands such instrument or instruments as shall be necessary to me, drawn up in legal form.

DON EDUARDO. No será indigestión a buen seguro; pero, mujer, ¿qué has hecho en todo este tiempo? ¿Cómo tienes todavía así el cuarto? Vaya, que no es mala porquería. DOÑA MATILDE. Yo ... si ... ay, Eduardo, ¿cómo te puedes enfadar tanto conmigo? DON EDUARDO. No, Matilde mía, yo no me enfado contigo ... ¿cómo había yo de enfadarme contigo?

The Roman shoe, it may be mentioned here, was of several different kinds, according to the sex, rank, and occupation of the wearer; but the two most important sorts were the calceus, the shoe worn with the toga in the city, and the mark of the Roman citizen; and the pero or high boot, which was more serviceable in the country.

And the Bishop Don Hieronymo, and Alvar Fanez Minaya, and Pero Bermudez, remained there also till they had fulfilled all that the Cid Ruydiez had commanded in his testament to be done.

You, Pero Bermudez, shall bear my banner, as you were wont to bear it; and you, Alvar Fanez, my cousin, gather your company together, and put the host in order as you are wont to do. And go ye forth and fight with King Bucar: for be ye certain and doubt not that ye shall win this battle; God hath granted me this.

XX. Now when the Cid had taken leave of the King, and of the other honourable men and Counts, and Ricos-omes who were with him, Pero Bermudez and Martin Antolinez and Muno Gustioz went on yet awhile with him: and he counselled them how to demean themselves so as to clear him of the shame which had been done him, and to be held for good knights themselves, and to take vengeance for King Don Alfonso, and for him, and for themselves, that he might receive good tidings from them in Valencia.

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