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DON EDUARDO. Cuanto hablemos ... que yo no soy partidario de misterios ni de cosas irregulares ... lo único que solicito es ver todavía otra vez a doña Matilde ... y probarla con sólo tres palabras que yo no era enteramente indigno del tesoro que codiciaba. BRUNO. ¿Quién puede dudarlo?... y muy digno que era usted.

DOÑA MATILDE. No, Clementina, mil gracias, pero.... MARQUESA. , te las enviaré ... para que las bordes ... y para que ... lo que había de ganar otra ... bordabas muy bien....

"I mean your daughter's husband." "I have no daughter." "I refer to Lieutenant Don Fulano de Tal. He is a good officer. He distinguished himself greatly in the recent affair." "Ah! otra cosa!" said the grim father-in-law. His hate could not overcome his sense of justice. The youth got his promotion, but his general will not recognize him at the club.

No puede permanecer una mitad de la humanidad en la parte superior y otra mitad en la parte inferior de la escala sin producirse desequilibrios, lágrimas y sufrimientos. Todos tienden a nivelarse en la vida como todos se nivelan en la muerte.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Acabaste? BRUNO. No señora, porque es muy malo, muy malo leer en la cama.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Aprieta! ¿Y no ha venido nadie? BRUNO. Nadie ... ah, , vino el aguador con su esportilla y su.... DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué tengo yo que ver con el aguador ni con su esportilla? BRUNO. ¿Esperaba usted acaso otra visita a las siete de la mañana?

"'Otra vez! yells I, which means 'again. "'Boom! goes the Ole Virginia prompt as an answer. "I put in my time dodging, but when I gets a chance to look, the Apaches has all got to cover and is looking scared. "'Otra vez! yells I again. "'Boom! says the Ole Virginia. "This was the biggest shot of the lot, and she surely cut loose.

I ought to have been halfway up the hill watching things from a safe distance, but I wasn't. Lucky for me the shaft was a little on the drift, so she didn't quite shoot my way. But she distributed about a ton over those renegades. They sort of half got to their feet uncertain. "'Otra vez! yells I once more, as bold as if I could keep her shooting all day.

Morosini "nobis hæc otra fecit" The princely expenditure of that noble family in days long since gone by provided for us nomads these enjoyments; for one is afraid to guess what the cost at the present day of erecting such a pile would be.

As it was now sundown, there began to be some dancing. The Italian sailors danced, and one of our crew exhibited himself in a sort of West India shuffle, much to the amusement of the bystanders, who cried out, "Bravo!" "Otra vez!" and "Vivan los marineros!" but the dancing did not become general, as the women and the "gente de razón" had not yet made their appearance.

Y así digo que estoy presto á hacer esta ó otra cualquier diligencia que por V.m. me fuere mandada, y que me pesa de cualquier culpa que haya cometido, ó en componer en vulgar el dicho libro, ó en haber dado ocasion directa ó indirectamente á que se divulgase. X, pp. 252-254.