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Eda qui de Monte Mor mandou el Rey por embaixadores

IV, col. 1328-1329: 'Reguláronse los cursos, y vino en llevarla por solo tres Cursos, y esto fué quitando un voto señalado, que tenia cinco cursos, el cual se sospechó era Dominico. No pudiendo conformarse con él, hubo concierto entre los frailes, que votasen de Santo Domingo 100 y de San Agustin 50. Anduvo pleito hasta viernes 13 de Octubre de 81, que sentenciaron en Valladolid en favor de fr.

The model of this building, by the hand of Filippo, was for many years in the hands of the Guild of Por Santa Maria, being held in great account because a part of the fabric was still unfinished; but it is now lost. He made the model of the Abbey of the Canons-Regular of Fiesole, for Cosimo de' Medici, the architecture being ornate, commodious, fanciful, and, in short, truly magnificent.

The Sepoys are not our masters, and it is well they are not so; the Nana and the Oude chiefs have not taken up arms to free themselves from the English Raj to be ruled over by the men who have been the servants of the English." "That is so," the Zemindar said, stroking his beard; "well, I will talk with this person." Rujub left the tent. "You do not know me, Por Sing?"

Six months ago I felt certain. Now I doubt. It seemed to me that in a day the English Raj would be swept away. How could it be otherwise when the whole army that had conquered India for them were against them? I knew they were brave, but we have never lacked bravery. How could I tell that they would fight one against a hundred? "But come, let us go on. Por Sing is expecting you.

In a few minutes I saw a body of them enter the coffee-house marching arm in arm, two by two, stamping on the ground with their feet in a kind of measure, and repeating in loud chorus as they walked round the spacious apartment, the following grisly stanza: "Que es lo que abaja Por aquel cerro? Ta ra ra ra ra. Son los huesos de Quesada, Que los trae un perro Ta ra ra ra ra."

This name was corrupted into that of Caerlunda, and again in time, by change of language, into Londres. Lud, when he died, was buried in this town, near that gate which is yet called in Welsh, Por Lud in Saxon, Ludesgate.

Only for a few seconds is he silent, when his voice is again heard, this time in grave, but gleeful, exclamation: "Por todos Santos! there's the hill itself!"

Tiene su raíz de vida en la filosofía e instituciones del mundo moderno y en las condiciones cada vez más difíciles en que pone a la mujer la lucha por la existencia.

DON EDUARDO. No, no ... pero ve de puntillas, y mira si por la rendija puedes atisbar quién es. DOÑA MATILDE. Voy ... es un viejecito barrigoncito, con calzones de pana y medias rayadas. DON EDUARDO. ¡Él es! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Quién dices? DON EDUARDO. El diablo. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Jesús mil veces! DON EDUARDO. O el casero, que es lo mismo ... ¿dónde me esconderé? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Esconderte!

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