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"In the cantina there was a soldier from the camp," Faquita volunteered. "They call names. He and Señor Juanito fight. Don Reese, he put them both out in the street. Señor Juanito he falls, drops purse. Teodoro picks it up, and we follow. When we try to give it back Señor Juanito yell, ’spy,’ hit with whip. That is the truth, por Dios, the truth!" "Yeah, sounds jus’ like Johnny these days.

I am not, however, of your lordship's opinion with respect to mules: a good ginete may retain his seat on a horse however vicious, but a mule vaya! when a false mule tira por detras, I do not believe that the Father of the Church himself could keep the saddle a moment, however sharp his bit." As I was going away, I said, "And with respect to the Gospel, your lordship; what am I to understand?"

The porter answered, This house was built by the Lord of the hill, and He built it for the relief and security of pilgrims. The porter also asked whence he was, and whither he was going. CHR. I am come from the City of Destruction, and am going to Mount Zion; but because the sun is now set, I desire, if I may, to lodge here tonight. POR. What is your name?

Te u ksew haba u ioh-i b'ym don ba sngap ia ka jingmudui jong u, u la wan sha u bynriew, bad u bynriew u la ong "To wan shong noh bad nga nga'n ieng ryngkat bad me ba'n wád kyput ia ki lái phew mrád kiba leh bein ia me." Te kumta u ksew u la kohnguh bad u la wan shong bad u bynriew nadúh kata ka pór. Nangta sa long ka beh mrád u bynriew ryngkat bad ka jingiarap u ksew.

Cambiaron los tiempos; pero, puestas ya en relieve las altas dotes de nuestro D. Manuel Eduardo, siguió desempeñando a intervalos papel notable en la administración pública, ya como consejero, ya como ministro de Relaciones o de Hacienda, cuyas secretarías tuvo diversas veces a su cargo; ya, en fin, como plenipotenciario en el arreglo de las cuestiones que en 1838 provocaron la guerra con Francia . Infatigable en su actividad, la consagraba ora a la instrucción general y a la de los niños de la Casa de Corrección, cuyo establecimiento fué objeto particular de sus desvelos; ora al teatro, cuya afición jamás le faltó , y a que dió impulso por todos los medios posibles, haciendo venir, en mucha parte a su costa, la primera compañía de ópera, y constituyéndose empresario del Principal, para cuyo fomento refundió y tradujo multitud de piezas extranjeras, entre ellas la Emilia Galotti, obra de bastante mérito, del dramaturgo alemán Léssing.

To-morrow Yuara shall once more see his people, the first man of the Mayorunas to come back from the death of poison. And he and his comrades shall tell of the white man's wisdom, without which he now would lie cold on the ground." "So shall it be," Yuara himself faintly answered. "Yuara, son of Rana, second chief of the men of Suba, will not forget." "Por Deus!" exclaimed Lourenço.

It was a cornice inclining downwards upon the wall of the precipice, as you see, sometimes, a flight of stairs built against the outside wall of a house. And it resembled a stair roughly, with long, sloping steps, wet with rain. "Por Dios, Señor, do not let us stay to think here, or we shall perish in this tempest." He howled, gesticulated, shrieked with all the strength of his lungs.

He followed Colston down the passage, and when within a dozen feet of the sentry, he brought his rifle to the "ready," and the following strange dialogue ensued between him and Colston "Quien va?" "Zwei Freunde der Bruderschaft." "Por la libertad?" "Für Freiheit über alles!" "Pass, friends." The rifle grounded as the words were spoken, and the sentry stepped back to the wall of the passage.

Por tanto, en las sociedades donde se admite a la mujer a todas las carreras y profesiones de la vida, donde no se escatima a la mujer ninguna fuente de conocimiento debe admitirse necesaria y lógicamente la intervención de la mujer en la vida pública.

It would be impossible and useless to give a mere list of the names of modern dramatists, but that of Ayala is perhaps best known abroad, and his work most nearly approaches to that of his great forerunners. His Consuelo, El tejado de Vidrio, and Tanto por ciento show great power and extraordinary observation. His style, too, is perfect.