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"They did n't do much to make it merry, certain," answered Miss Pendexter. "Sometimes nowadays I hear folks complainin' o' bein' overtaxed with all the Christmas work they have to do." "Well, others think that it makes a lovely chance for all that really enjoys givin'; you get an opportunity to speak your kind feelin' right out," answered Mrs. Hand, with a bright smile. "But there!

So he went along all scrunched down with that hefty bundle other folks had piled up on him, not scoldin' nor complainin' nor gittin' mad about it, but jest thinkin' it had got to be, and nobody could help him. But ye see it hadn't got to be, and somebody could 'a' helped him. And then bimeby along come a man that had sech a hefty, hefty bundle!

But I will jist be an awful complainin' body, and sometimes I would be saying, if I would only have the chance to help some one. That's it!" he cried, turning a flashing eye upon Gilbert. "That will be the only thing worth while in this world. Eh, it is you that will be finding that out, Dr. Allen, and a happy man you will be, oh, yes, indeed. It is the doctor bodies that has the chance."

To this palace iv vice th' inthrepid definder iv his Nation's honor hastened whin he had completed th' arjoos round iv his jooties, after he had pressed th' Lootinant's clothes, curried th' Captain's horse, mended th' roof iv th' Major's house, watered th' geeranyums f'r th' Colonel's wife, an' written his daily letter to th' paper complainin' about th' food.

I ain't complainin' but times I'm lonesome an' I wisht I mought er had a little cabin somewheres an' mebbe some folks er my own." "Yes, Uncle Billy, I know you must get tired of not having a real home of your own. Didn't you ever marry and haven't you any kin?" "No sah, I ain't never married an' as fer as I knows I ain't got any kin this side er the grabe. You see, sah, it wa' this a way.

"Bait gone wrong again?" asked Code anxiously, his brows knitting. "That stuff on the trawl wasn't the only bad bait, then." "No. Everybody's complainin' this mornin'. "Not only can't catch fish, but ye can't hardly string the stuff on the hooks. An' that ain't all. It has a funny smell that I never found in any other clam bait I ever used."

Gittin' lazy here. Summer's comin' an' I'm a born bush man. I'm kind o' oneasy like a deer in a dooryard. I ain't had to run fer my life since we got here. My hoofs are complainin'. I ain't shot a gun in a month." A look of sorrow spread over the face of Solomon. "I'm tired of this place," said Jack. "The British are scared of us and we're scared of the British. There's nothing going on.

But there was a thundering racket downstairs last night. I ain't complainin' none I wouldn't be that ungrateful, after all you done for me. But I didn't get a good night's rest. Wish you'd put me in another cell to-night. There was folks droppin' in here at all hours of the night, pesterin' me. I didn't sleep good at all." "Dropping in?

For more'n a mile the complainin' howls of the hysterical yeller dog is wafted to our y'ears. Then they ceases; an' we figgers his sympathizin' master has done took him into the shanty an' shet the door. "'No one comments on this adventure, not a word is heard. Each is silent ontil we mounts the Big Murray hill.

"Dick couldn't play to-day." "How long has he had fever?" Mostyn demanded, sharply. "Jes' to-day, I think, sir. I never noticed it till dis evenin' about an hour by sun. He's been complainin' of his stomach fer mo'n a week, but dat is 'cause he eats " "It may be something serious." The words shrank back from utterance. "Why didn't you send for the doctor?" "Huh!" the nurse sniffed, resentfully.

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