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Updated: September 1, 2024

In like manner Battista da Verona, who is called thus, and not otherwise, out of his own country, after having learned the first rudiments of painting from an uncle at Verona, placed himself with the excellent Tiziano in Venice, under whom he has become a very good painter. When a young man, this Battista painted in company with Paolino a hall in the Palace of the Paymaster and Assessor Portesco at Tiene in the territory of Vicenza; where they executed a vast number of figures, which acquired credit and repute for both the one and the other. With the same Paolino he executed many works in fresco in the Palace of the Soranza at Castelfranco, both having been sent to work there by Michele San Michele, who loved them as his sons. And with him, also, he painted the façade of the house of M. Antonio Cappello, which is on the Grand Canal in Venice; and then, still together, they painted the ceiling, or rather, soffit in the Hall of the Council of Ten, dividing the pictures between them. Not long afterwards, having been summoned to Vicenza, Battista executed many works there, both within and around the city; and recently he has painted the façade of the Monte della Piet

Earl Richard, his son, was beheaded in London, in the spring of 1397; Earl Thomas, his grandson, fell at Agincourt, October 13, 1415. "No has visto un nino, que viene A dar un doblon que tiene, Porque le den una flor?" Lope de Vega. Philippa determined to return home by way of Sempringham.

Tiene su raíz de vida en la filosofía e instituciones del mundo moderno y en las condiciones cada vez más difíciles en que pone a la mujer la lucha por la existencia.

And still the brown arms spin in an ever-nearing mist of spray; and the outer sand-bar is not far off, and there is shouting Mateo, leaping in the surf, swinging something about his head, as a vaquero swings his noose! ... Sough! splash! it struggles in the trough beside Feliu, and the sinewy hand descends upon it. Tiene! tira, Miguel! And their feet touch land again! ...

Como la muy alta y potentissima magestad del Gran Sennor tiene hecho articulos de priuilegios con la Serenissima Magestad de nuestra Reyna d'Inglatierra, para los vassalos della poder libremente yr y boluer, y tratar por mar y tierra en los dominios de su potentissima Magestad, Como a la clara paresce por los dichos articulos, de che embiamos el tractado al Senor Iuan Tipton nuestro commissario, para le muestrar a vostra Alteza.

¿Qué duda cabe que la mujer tiene facultades, sentimientos, puntos de vista y métodos propios para hacer las cosas, diferentes del hombre? ¡Cuántas veces se ha visto que cuando un hombre no se ha atrevido a hacer una cosa se ha dejado obrar a la mujer para conseguirla!

Some adventurers from Portugal, allured by this report, went out for the purpose of prosecuting this discovery, one of whom was James de Tiene, and the pilot was James Velasquez of Palos.

DOÑA MATILDE. Quizá hubiera sido más prudente; porque ... ya ve usted, antes de tomar un partido irrevocable he debido pesar todas las circunstancias, y ... no soy ninguna niña de quince años. BRUNO. Como que tiene usted ya sus diez y siete. DOÑA MATILDE. Diez y ocho son los que tengo, si vamos a eso. BRUNO. Diez y siete. DOÑA MATILDE. Diez y ocho. ¡Habrá pesado igual!

I don't understand how I'm supposed to get her over the border. She just said, 'Do it! and gave me some money to come here." "Watch your mouth. Be careful what you say to everyone. No tiene sentido? Maybe it has a sense not so obvious to you. Maybe it has sense or doesn't have sense. You know women, Guillermo. My wife's reasoning for things is why I stay separated from her.

BRUNO. Allí le tiene usted hecho una estatua. DOÑA MATILDE. No nos ha sentido ... y en efecto, le encuentro muy desmejorado ... retírate un poco ... no, no tan lejos. BRUNO. ¿Si se habrá dormido? DON EDUARDO. ¡Ay! DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Suspira? BRUNO. Ya lo creo ... y de mi alma. DOÑA MATILDE. He consentido, Sr. DON EDUARDO. ¿Quién?... ¡Ah!

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