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Updated: August 16, 2024

The first was The examination and confession of certaine Wytches at Chensforde in the Countie of Essex before the Quenes maiesties Judges, the XXVI daye of July Anno 1566. The pamphlet a black letter one was issued, in three parts, from the press of William Powell at London, two of them on August 13, the third on August 23, 1566.

Would not one like to attend twenty consecutive soirees, at each one of which the lion of the party should be the Man of the Monument, at the beginning of each century, all the way, we will say, from Anno Domini 2000 to Ann. Dom. 4000, or, if you think the style of dating will be changed, say to Ann.

The Priuiledges graunted by the Emperour of Russia to the English merchants of that company: obteined the 22. of September, Anno 1567. by M. Anthony Ienkinson.

Certain Instructions delivered in the Third Voyage, Anno 1556, for Russia, to every Purser and the rest of the Servants, taken for the Voyage, which may serve as good and necessary Directions to all other like Adventurers.

Below the niche was this inscription: "Brave Walworth, knight, lord-mayor, yt slew Rebellious Tyler in his alarms; The king, therefore, did give in lieu The dagger to the cytye's arms. In the 4th year of Richard II. Anno Domini 1381."

The inscription, 'Anno, 1850, was placed between the dolphins by Her Majesty's special command." In a criticism of this excellent specimen of work, the Art Journal of the time said: "We believe the cradle to be one of the most important examples of the art of wood carving ever executed in this country."

Sheridan, on the rout of his party that ensued, to find himself safe in his seat for Stafford once more, and the following document, connected with his election, is sufficiently curious, in more respects than one, to be laid before the reader: R. B. Sheridan, Esq. Expenses at the Borough of Stafford for Election, Anno 1784. 284 Burgesses, paid L5 5 0 each................L1,302 0 0

Nor did the opening of a new century altogether abolish the fashion; perhaps it can hardly be said to have been abolished even now at the century's close, but the evidences extant combine to shew that the flourishing period of the pictorial headstone lay well within the twenty-five years preceding Anno Domini 1800.

Anno 14 hujus Regis, aut parum post. Without the Park the King's demesne woods were, it cannot well be said now are, the timber being all sold off, and underwoods so cropt and spoiled by that beast the Lord Munson, and other greedy cattle, that they are hardly recoverable.

Hooker's Five books, but omitted, I know not why, in the last impression of the Eight printed together in anno 1662, in which the Publishers seem to impose the three doubtful books, to be the undoubted books of Mr.

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