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Updated: August 19, 2024
He drew from his pocket flint and tinder, matches being unknown in those days, and began to strike a light, when Adams took the pipe hastily from his mouth and handed it back. "No, no," he said, with decision, "it's only the old associations that it calls up, that's all.
It angered him to find that he had thrown away so much, that the mechanism was no longer as responsive as it had been. The very peace of the night grated upon him. A light step sounded at the end of the veranda. A figure in white was moving toward the door, and recognizing Sylvia, he rose hastily and advanced to meet her. "Is that you, Mr. Bassett?
But we are not alone here," he said, stopping, and darting his shrewd eye towards the muffled figure of the disguised maiden, whose utmost efforts had not enabled her so to adjust her position as altogether to escape observation. More anxious to prevent her being discovered than to keep his own affairs private, Nigel hastily answered- "'Tis a page of mine; you may speak freely before him.
Then he took horse and rode after him; Grettir rode on till he came up to the homestead at Kropp; there he met a man called Hall, who said that he was going down to the ship at the Wolds; Grettir sang a stave Then they part, and Hall went down the track and all the way down to Kalfness, before Svein met him; they greeted one another hastily, then sang Svein
Next he wrote a note and sent it hastily with a horse and cart to that small whitewashed cottage. Old Mrs. Meadows sat in her doorway reading a theological work called "Believers' Buttons." She took the note, looked at it. "Why, this is from John, I think; what can he have to say to me?"
Waddington's face was blank. "You have heard the translation of those sheets?" "I have," Burton answered hastily. "I will tell you all about it directly as soon as you have brought me the tree." Mr. Waddington had turned a little pale. "I gave it to a child in the street, on my way home from Idlemay House," he declared.
"You're a good cook, Van I mean, Mr. "Let it go at Van, please," said he hastily. "My first name is Gustave, but nobody has ever used it since I was christened." "Same with my 'Edna, she declared. "Mother's name was Williams, and I was nicknamed 'Billie' before I can remember. So that's settled," with great firmness. The point is Van you're a good cook, but everything tastes of bacon.
He was not a man of surface emotions but his face actually twitched and he hastily gulped something down. "She is a heartbreakingly beautiful thing," he said. "She has been left through sheer kindness in her own young hands. They were too young and these are hours of cataclysm. She knows nothing. She does not know that she will probably have a child."
Three months afterwards, I heard from one of the girls in our employ that she had married a poor shoemaker in order to have a home; but I never learned whether this was true. About a year later, I met her in the Bowery, poorly but cleanly dressed. She hastily turned away her face on seeing me; and I only caught a glimpse of the crimson flush that overspread her countenance.
Robert Tompkins, of Forrest-hill, and took a house at Wheatley, a little village about five miles from Oxford. Some interruption to his tranquillity occurred from the failure of a banker, with whom his agency had connected him, and from a chancery suit, in which he too hastily engaged to secure a part of his wife's fortune.
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