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Julien got into the cabriolet beside the driver, who began at once to belabor vigorously his mulish animal. "Good journey and good luck, Monsieur," cried Reine after him, and the vehicle sped joltingly away. On leaving La Thuiliere, the driver took the straight line toward the pasturelands of the Planche-au-Vacher.

"Why, certainly, I have reflected," exclaimed Claudet with some irritation, "and my mind is quite made up. Once more, I ask you, Monsieur le Cure, are you displeased with my choice, or have you anything to say against Mademoiselle Vincart?" "I? no, absolutely nothing. Reine is an exceedingly good girl." "Well, then?"

"In matters of faith, that may be possible," urged Reine, obstinately, "but my marriage has nothing to do with discussing the truths of our holy religion. I therefore respectfully ask to be enlightened, Monsieur le Cure; otherwise " "Otherwise?" repeated the Abby Pernot, inquiringly, rolling his eyes uneasily. "Otherwise, I shall keep my word respectably, and I shall marry Claudet."

"My name is there in its right place," said she, with a countenance beaming with resolution and pride; "these gardens and castles are my property, and I can very well issue orders in them, without interfering with state rights." And the "De par la reine" remained on the regulation-tablets in Trianon as well as in St.

Reine had turned pale; her dark eyes glistened with tears. "Let us go," murmured she to Julien; "this death of a tree affects me as if it were that of a Christian." They took leave of the woodsmen, and reentered the forest.

Anyhow, I have no right to complain of him; as soon as he discovered my love for Reine, did he not, besides ignoring his own claim, offer spontaneously to take my message? Still, there is something queer at the bottom of it all, and whatever it costs me, I am going to find it out." At this moment, through the misty air, he heard faintly the village clock strike eleven.

When the tumult had somewhat subsided the eyes of those present were turned toward the spot whence the words "Viva la Reine" had proceeded. Leaning against one of the tall shade trees were two gentlemen, who had joined them unobserved. The elder of the strangers was a middle-aged man, in whose piercing black eyes and dark complexion we recognize the Mr. Middleton whom we left with Dr.

He was sitting in a window of the Manor, just after he had come from Montreal, playing a violin which had once belonged to De Casson, the famous priest whose athletic power and sweet spirit endeared him to New France. His fresh cheek was bent to the brown, delicate wood, and he was playing to his sister the air of the undying chanson, "Je vais mourir pour ma belle reine."

When the men and women had dispersed, and a surging of the crowd brought him nearer to Reine, he resolved to follow her, without regard to the question of what people would say, or the curious eyes that might be watching him. A happy chance came in his way. Reine Vincart had gone home by the path along the outskirts of the wood and the park enclosure.

Moreover, he feigned not to understand why this Reine de Chypre in particular should have been a success; he declared that Schlesinger had engineered it on purpose to worry him. When he spoke a few words to me in German, one of the visitors was astonished, whereupon Schlesinger said that all Jews could speak German. Thereupon Schlesinger was asked if he also was a Jew.

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