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"It isn't a real tramp," said Mr. Treadwell. "I dress up like one, Belle," for he had arranged to have a number of costumes for himself so he could take different parts in the little play. "Well, if it's just a play twamp all wight," said Belle. "They's wagged maybe, but not dirty." The children were told what they must do and say for the first act.

"Why, you're just imagining that Lance is different," she contended, stifling her own recognition of the change. "He'll settle right down amongst the boys " "The boys ain't cryin' to have him, Belle. Black Rimmers had ought to stay Black Rimmers, or get out and stay out. Lance ain't either one thing or the other." "Why, Tom Lorrigan!"

Upon the opposite side of the valley there was a similar rise, and on this was the French position. Nearly in the center of this stood the farm called La Belle Alliance, close to which Napoleon took up his stand during the battle. Behind the British position the ground fell away and then rose again gently to a crest, on which stood the villages of Waterloo and Mount St. Jean.

At last they were in the privacy of their own room, and Mildred, as if she were the weaker and younger, buried her face on her sister's shoulder and sobbed despairingly, "Oh, Belle, you are the stronger. I fear I can't stand it at all. I've suffered more to-day than in all my life, and my feet and back still ache oh, I can't tell you."

However, I could see that the fine jet was not altogether the approved style of beauty, and that many a very handsome woolly headed belle was destined to ornament the walls, until a few of the young white merchants made a dash amongst them, more for the fun of the thing, as it struck me, than any thing else, which piqued some of the brown officers, and for the rest of the evening blackee had it hollow.

"Said Walter and Harry might kiss me!" and Cora's face flushed. "And er did they?" asked Belle. "Belle Robinson! If you well!" and Cora closed her lips in a firm line. Her mother smiled. "Perhaps we had better go up and see Inez," suggested Mrs. Kimball. "Yes, do!" urged Cora, eager to change the subject.

Then with a pretty pout: "Naughty man, you never asked me to try them." "Suppose I ask you now," he said, and even while he spoke he said to himself, "Edna Winters would never have done that." Miss Percival needed no urging; she was soon seated in triumph by Mr. Monteith's side, the envy of many another city belle.

When everything was ready, Mother Murden sat down by the barrel-organ, took hold of the handle, and addressed her guests: "Now boys, choose your girls." The biggest bully, a "conditional pardon" man of the year 1839, acted as master of the ceremonies, and called out the figures. He also appropriated the belle of the ball as his partner.

Roger followed the young man, and said, "You have just parted from Miss Belle Jocelyn." "Well, that's my affair." "You will find yourself so greatly mistaken that you had better answer my questions honestly. What are your intentions toward her? I have the right to ask." "None of your business." "Look here, young man, she has acknowledged me as her brother, and as a brother I feel toward her.

"Why didn't you answer?" "I didn't know who you were speaking to at first. I've been here all the evening. I didn't know you were in town till I saw your hat on the table a few minutes ago." "Where is Belle?" asked Kate, still on edge. "She went over to Mrs. Kitchen's." "When will she be back?" He seemed to take no offense at her peremptory tone. "She said she wouldn't be gone a great while.

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