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Updated: September 25, 2024

All these people were very kind to me, and among them there was a common recognition, sometimes very agreeably finding expression, that I was "clever." They all stood about me as if they were a little at a loss. "Sit down!" said her father. "Give him a chair, Puss."

The book discloses a profoundly objective attitude; the Christ whom John portrays is not the creature of his speculations, but the Master who has entered into his experience as a living influence and has compelled recognition of his significance.

The three, crouching in involuntary doubt and dismay, glared at the newcomer. It was a woman drifting in. Apparently she intended to land there, and the three men stared at her. "His wife!" Despard said with soundless lips. The others nodded their recognition. Mrs.

There was a defalcation in Geddis's bank, and Weyburn was found guilty and sent to the penitentiary." Here was another of the paper life-walls. One little touch would have punctured it and vague recollection would instantly become complete recognition. I held my breath for fear I might unconsciously give the rending touch.

Telemachus, the neatherd, and Eumaeus, aiding him, he slaughters all the crew, despite the treachery of Melanthius. The paramours of the wooers are hanged, and Odysseus, after some delay, is recognised by Penelope. This day is occupied with the recognition of Odysseus by his aged father Laertes, and with the futile attempt of the kinsfolk of the wooers to avenge them on Odysseus.

He met one or two men whom he knew, but he did not see them, and passed them swiftly without a glance of recognition. They said one to another, “How absorbed he is in the great themes of the world!” but David passed on in his pain and misery and humiliation and never knew they were near him.

While she regarded him he suddenly lifted his eyes in a direction away from Marty, his face simultaneously kindling with recognition and surprise. She followed his gaze, and saw walking across to him a flexible young creature in whom she perceived the features of her she had known as Miss Grace Melbury, but now looking glorified and refined above her former level.

"I didn't realize until to-day how utterly impossible I really am." "But, impossible or not, here you are," Philip laughed. "Yes, here I am and there I may be, but in either place I am not especially possible. You are; you can go out and make a definite, independent impression on life; that makes you possible in that you are forcing recognition of power and capability. I can't do that.

For a few moments there was silence. Lucy and Archie sat still, as they were too much surprised by Don Pedro's recognition of Captain Hervey as the Swedish sailor Vasa to move or speak. But the Professor did not seem to be greatly astonished, and the sole sound which broke the stillness was his sardonic chuckle.

Though she was not a Jewess, she was wearing one of the wigs assumed by orthodox Jewish women when they marry. She stared at Susan with not a sign of recognition. "I am looking for Miss Clara," said Susan. The janitress debated, shifted her baby from one arm to the other, glanced inquiringly at the other women. They shook their heads; she looked at Susan and shook her head.

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