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Updated: February 4, 2025
Lance Dunning stood above six feet in height, and was a handsome man, in spite of the hard lines around his eyes, as he walked in; but neither his manner nor his expression was amiable. "Are you Mr. McCloud? I've been here three times this afternoon to see you," said he, ignoring McCloud's answer and a proffered chair. "This is your office, isn't it?"
Hundreds of letters were sent out from The Revolution office to distinguished people in all parts of the country and cordial answers were received, showing that the hostility against the paper and its editors was principally confined to a very small area. A private letter from Mrs. Stanton says: "We have written every one of the old friends, ignoring the past and urging them to come.
He was hers, her own; she would hold him back to her. Had he not come to her when she needed him, and done his uttermost for her? If now she was filled with life and the pulsating love of life, it was his doing. And now it was her task her glorious, God-given privilege! to do for him, to fight for him, ignoring the odds against her, to save him.
Or rather, the woman gave the sign to Tom, ignoring the others, who, naturally, would not be left behind. Masni seemed to have eyes for no one but the young inventor, and the manner in which she looked at him showed the deep gratitude she felt toward him for having saved her baby from the great condor.
"It does break one's heart to see such children, doesn't it?" she answered, looking at them tenderly and ignoring his pointed tribute to her beauty. "Are we all ready?" Gordon cried. "If you are. Is Mrs. Gordon not coming?" "No; I couldn't persuade her. She took our chicks to the seashore."
He gazed at her, not understanding. Full of his own project, he had mind for nothing else. Ignoring therefore the question of compensation, whatever she might mean by that, he continued: "You can win him if you make up your mind to. A woman with your resources can blind him to any other woman." "But if he loves Judge Rossmore's daughter?" objected Shirley.
He omits the most important fact that these Turks of Persia are Shias like their Persian fellow-countrymen, while the "Mohammedan institutions and traditions" for which the Ottoman Turks are pledged by the Young Turk Party to "secure respect" are those of the Sunni persuasion. But then Turkish Nationalism depends upon ignoring religion.
He looked neither to right nor to left, but kept his eyes straight ahead, ignoring the islanders as completely as if they did not exist. "It's more like a Christian Endeavour meeting than it was ten minutes ago," he was saying to himself, all the time wondering when some reckless unbeliever would hurl a knife at his back. He gravely winked his eye in the direction of the château.
Will the railroad survive the experimental stage, and are such gentlemen as yourself behind it?" "I saw in the Ledger some days back," Daniel Culser added, "that your arm had been broken travelling by steam." "One had nothing to do with the other," Jasper stated tersely, ignoring Babb's query, "but was entirely my own fault."
She threw open another door and, ignoring a gesticulating figure which stood in the hall below, regarded him anxiously. "If you would prefer father's room he would be delighted for you to have it Delighted." "Yes, I will have this one," said Lord Fairmount, entering. "Bring me up some hot water, please, and clear these boots and leggings out."
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