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Germany will have to pay on the nail for most of her Balkan help. She will have to put more into the Balkans than she takes out. Compared with the world behind the Allies the Turkish Empire is a country of mountains, desert and undeveloped lands. To develop these regions into a source of supplies under the strains and shortages of war-time, will be an immense and dangerous undertaking for Germany.

The government has stimulated and often forced Chinese immigration into Sinkiang, so that the erstwhile Turkish and Mongolian majorities have become minorities, envious of their ethnic brothers in Soviet Central Asia who enjoy a much higher standard of living and more freedom. Inner Mongolia had a brief dream of independence under Japanese protection during the war.

At half-past four the next morning the shattering roar of artillery proclaimed that the offensive had begun, and at dawn the infantry attacked the Turkish positions, swept over those nearest the coast at the first onslaught, and then swung eastwards.

He did not for a moment expect to be satisfied so quickly as that, nor was he; but still he was infinitely more lucky than most people who have to deal with Turkish or Egyptian authorities, for at a third meeting, and with a little more baksheesh to subordinates, he got at the facts; and very disappointing they were.

They were Turks swarthy, evil-looking customers, but well-dressed, and evidently persons of consequence in their own country. The newcomers eyed the barrister curiously, and with no very friendly intent. A brief conversation in Turkish resulted in Hussein-ul-Mulk addressing Brett. "I must apologize for the fact that my friends here only speak their native tongue.

'Because I want your clothes the things you've got on now. I'll take them off with me and you'll never see them again. 'You've a queer taste in souvenirs, I said. 'Say rather the Turkish police. The current in the Bosporus is pretty strong, and these sad relics of two misguided Dutchmen will be washed up tomorrow about Seraglio Point.

Another half century has passed since this was written, and the Turkish power has now completed its eighth century since Togrul Beg, the first Seljukian Sultan; and what has been the fruit of so long a duration? Just about the time of Togrul Beg, flourished William, Duke of Normandy; he passed over to take possession of England; compare the England of the Conquest with the England of this day.

We defended Sulina and Batoum against Russian attack by land, and by torpedo on the sea. In addition to the above-named services, the Turkish fleet was called upon constantly to transport large bodies of troops from port to port.

Officers in the Nizam and Redif troops, military employés, officials, and others, more than 30,000. The entire war strength of the Turkish army amounts to 700,000 men. We need only to take into consideration the troops from Europe, Anatolia, Armenia, and Syria. All these troops even are not available in a European theatre of war.

Hospital stores, six thousand five hundred tons. Provision-wagons, ambulances, carts, forges, &c, eight thousand tons. In all, about six hundred thousand tons. It is not thought necessary to add similar facts for the English, Sardinian, and Turkish armies.

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