United States or Saint Martin ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A very little rubbing rendered the deeply-cut inscription quite legible, but the Professor had to confess, after some earnest thought, that the meaning of it was as obscure to him as the writing on the wall to Belshazzar. There were legends both on the front and on the back of the whistle. The one read thus: FLA FUR BIS FLE The other: QUIS EST ISTE QUI VENIT

May every succeeding Nelson regard, and be able to look up to, that motto which was conferred on the hero of the Nile, Palmam qui meruit, ferat! On Sir James's arrival at Gibraltar he received the following letters from Sir Horatio Nelson, approving of his proceedings: Vanguard, Naples, 29th Sept. 1798.

I hope, now that papa is come, the Whites may be spared any more of the troubles I have brought on them. 'We will pray that it may be so. said her mother. A telegram had been received in the morning, which kept Valetta and Fergus on the qui vive all day. Valetta was an unspeakable worry to the patient Miss Vincent, and Fergus arranged his fossils and minerals.

As they were moving through the streets in this solemn manner, every sound hushed excepting the anthem of the choir, they suddenly heard, issuing as it were from under ground, a chorus of voices chanting in solemn response "Benedictum qui venit in nomine Domini."* The procession paused in wonder.

Chapter ii. 11. C'est vne inciuilité & vne impertinence de dormir, pendant que la cõpagnie s'entretient de discours; de se tenir assis lors que tout le monde est debout, de se promener lors que personne ne branle, & de parler, quãd il est temps de se taire ou d'écouter. Pour celuy toutesfois qui a l'authorité, il y a des temps & des lieux il luy est permis de se promener seul, comme

I am going out I have a great many engagements this morning and I really cannot stop to discuss this absurd affair any longer! It isn't my fault that Sir Philip's excessive admiration for Miss Vere has become the subject of gossip I don't blame him for it! He seems extremely ill-tempered about it; after all, 'ce n'est que la verite qui blesse!" And she smiled maliciously.

Stand to your arms, my friends; for we know not whom we encounter." "Qui vive?" demanded a stern, quick voice, which sounded like a challenge from another world, issuing out of that solitary and solemn place. "What says it?" whispered the scout; "it speaks neither Indian nor English." "Qui vive?" repeated the same voice, which was quickly followed by the rattling of arms, and a menacing attitude.

Nevertheless, there are critics who complain that his compositions still tend to lack organization and his forms definition. "Sa peinture a une petite côté vicieuse qui est adorable" I have heard the phrase so often that I can but repeat it.

How simple the whole explanation! The note had alluded to a physician as then examining "Gustave." "Ah ca!" pursued Rosine; "il n'y a donc rien la-dessous: pas de mystere, pas d'amourette, par exemple?" "Pas plus que sur ma main," responded the doctor, showing his palm. "Quel dommage!" responded the grisette: "et moi a qui tout cela commencait a donner des idees."

Ce qui est un spectacle plein d'instruction pour ceux qui ne sont pas de ladite Societe. Tous les membres regardent les chimistes en particulier avec un air d'intelligence parfaite pendant qu'ils prouvent dans un discours d'une demiheure que O6 N3 H5 C6 etc. font quelque chose qui n'est bonne a rien, mais qui probablement a une odeur tres desagreable, selon l'habitude des produits chimiques.