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Confused, he turned, and gently laid down the faded silks across a chair back, pulling it even with the one where lay Josephine's richer and more modern robes. He looked at the two grimly, sadly, shook his head and walked out of the room. "Madame!" exclaimed Jeanne, "it was divine! But, quelle mystere!"

"Une âpreté primitive, les larmes se cachent comme une faiblesse, communique a l'oeuvre un pathétique si poignant que le mystère de la mort s'étend jusqu'

Je sais bien que tu m'aurais aimee, et le mystere de l'amour est plus grand que le mystere de la mort. Il ne faut regarder que l'amour. Salome.

L'autel brille, l'encens fume, La victime s'embellit, L'amour meme la consume, Le mystere s'accomplit. "Do you believe it is possible to translate this beautiful stanza into German?" said the king. "If your majesty allows me, I will translate it at once," said he. "Give me a piece of paper and a pencil." "Take them," said Frederick.

How simple the whole explanation! The note had alluded to a physician as then examining "Gustave." "Ah ca!" pursued Rosine; "il n'y a donc rien la-dessous: pas de mystere, pas d'amourette, par exemple?" "Pas plus que sur ma main," responded the doctor, showing his palm. "Quel dommage!" responded the grisette: "et moi a qui tout cela commencait a donner des idees."

He remembered such a person called, but could not describe his looks any further than to say that he was not a small man. I did not press the matter. "Vous regardez une etoile pour deux motifs, parce qu'elle est lumineuse et parce qu'elle est impenetrable. Vous avez aupres de vous un plus doux rayonnement et un pas grand mystere, la femme." Les Miserables.

A soft chord, other chords, deep and sweet, and then the dear voice: Oui c'est un reve, Un reve doux d'amour, La nuit lui prete son mystere The chain is forged again. The mists of passion rise thickly, heavily, and blot out all else forever. Helene's song ceased. He heard them praise her, and heard "Good nights" and "Au revoirs" exchanged. He rose and stood near the door.

MIRACLE AND MYSTERY PLAYS. In France the name miracle was given to any play representing the lives of the saints, while the mystère represented scenes from the life of Christ or stories from the Old Testament associated with the coming of Messiah.

Villon has left some charming lines in which he has placed the heroine's name as it were on a string of pearls; they occur in his exquisite ballad 'Dames du temps jadis, and, as it would be profanation to try and translate, I give them here in the original: Long before those beautiful lines were written by Villon, a play called Le Mystère du Siège d'Orléans had been acted.

It is therefore extremely evident that Madame Maintenon could not be married to the King at the time when she scrupled granting, and when the 'directeur' advised her to grant, those favors which Sarah with so much submission granted to Abraham: and what the 'directeur' is pleased to call 'le mystere de Dieu', was most evidently a state of concubinage.