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Why do you all love me, hein? Une Mystere. Well, she was ver' old then, but she 'ave ze good 'ealth and ze thick skin of ze rhinoceros. And some'ow no one 'ave ze 'eart to tell 'er. It become a sort of joke 'ow long she keep going ze Boulevards make bets about it. But for me it is no joke.

His friend, The Barber, had a little shelf in The Enormous Room, all tricked out with an astonishing array of bottles, atomizers, tonics, powders, scissors, razors and other deadly implements. It has always been a mystere to me that our captors permitted this array of obviously dangerous weapons when we were searched almost weekly for knives.

A tentative application through the address given, an appropriate nom de mystère, had introduced the ugly detail of preliminary expenses.

"Indeed it would be a big thing of which you might boast all your life: I, a planton, shot and killed a six-year-old child in a tree." "C'est enmerdant," the planton countered, in some confusion "he may be trying to escape. How do I know?" "Indeed, how do you know anything?" the father murmured quietly. "It's a mystere." The Imp, all at once, fell. He hit the muddy ground with a disagreeable thud.

Sweet, thrilling, her voice poured forth into the crowded auditorium. The people sat spellbound. There was a moment of silence; no one offered to applaud. And then she began again. Oui c'est un reve, Un reve doux d'amour She faltered La nuit lui prete son mystere, Il doit finir avec le jour the voice broke. Men were standing up in the audience. One cried out: "Il doit finir "

They made all their gestures together and chanted without ceasing: "O horreur, O mystére! Il est mort. Mon Dieu, ayez pitié de nous!" "De Grace!" cried the prima donna. "Jamais, jamais!" echoed the tenor, striking his breast and pointing with his sword. "O mystére!" chanted the chorus, while the basso struck his hand upon his sword hilt, growling "Mon honneur et ma foi." The orchestra redoubled.

George fell ill in Cairo. These were telegraphed for and bought by newspapers of England, Spain, Italy, France, America, Algeria, and even Germany, which had not loved Stanton. The next thing that happened was the report in Algerian papers that Max St. George, "le jeune homme de mystère," was a missing soldier of the Legion, who had deserted from an important mission to join Stanton's caravan.

Bach after Lili Kerth that is the bite, that is the irony of things. Do you know Baudelaire's quatrain?" He stood up, and, without declamation, even carelessly, through his nose and teeth, gave the quatrain: "Quand chez le debauche l'aube blanche et vermeil, Entre en societe de l'Ideal rongeur, Par l'operation d'un mystere vengeur, Dans la brute assoupie un Ange se reveille."

"Mon âme a son secret, ma vie a son mystère: Un amour eternel en un moment concu. Le mal est sans espoir, aussi j'ai du le taire Et celle qui l'a fait n'en a jamais rien su." One minor note came and went and came again, through the melody, until the last tones fell on that note and were held suspended in a tremulous plaint.

"What on earth does she mean by singing at a quarter to one o'clock?" he thought, and went once more to the window. "Why that is really beautiful." Oui! c'est un reve, Oui! c'est un reve doux d'amour. La nuit lui prete son mystere, Il doit finir il doit finir avec le jour. The song of Helene ceased. Gethryn leaned out and gazed down at the lighted windows under his. Suddenly the light went out.