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Updated: September 3, 2024

It seems that it was then, as he made his long journey through the forest, that the treacherous and horrid brute which we had killed, would attack the priest of whom it had grown weary. But, and this shows the animal's cunning, the onslaught always took place after he had sown the seed which would in due season produce the food it ate.

She was more beautiful than ever. Heaven was in the dark, pure glow of her eyes. She was no longer like a dog under the club and the whip of a brute, and in the re-birth of her soul she was glorious. Youth had come back to her freed from the yoke of oppression. She was happy.

For a while they took it up and down first buffalo hunting man, then man hunting buffalo while Hugh fired whenever he had the chance, without seeming to discompose the brute at all. At last a lucky shot struck some vital spot inside; the beast stopped, staggered, and fell dead without a sound. Hugh looked round.

"Perhaps it's better so," said Aladdin, "if he really wanted to go. Did he leave any address?" "None whatever; he simply vanished." "Ungrateful little brute!" said Aladdin. Then he bethought him of Peter. "I'll come back later, Margaret," he said, "but it behooves me to go and look up the good Mrs. Brackett." He hardly knew how he got out of the house.

Slipping his bridle from the branch, I led him a little way into the bush in the direction of the Rooirand. Then I spoke to Colin. 'Home with you, I said. 'Home, old man, as if you were running down a tsessebe. The dog seemed puzzled. 'Home, I said again, pointing west in the direction of the Berg. 'Home, you brute. And then he understood.

Now, in the desert, Kish Taka had but to drive his dog from him, shouting at him, casting a stone at him, and the big brute to whom similar experiences had come before out of as clear a sky, knew that he had a friend in the distant camp, one friend only in the world, and as straight as a dart made off to find him.

But when he saw into the clear depths of her eyes, he knew his hopes were vain. Suddenly, with swift self-distrust, his mood softened. "I suppose I've shocked you past forgiveness now," he said miserably. "You'll think I've been an brute to you, and you'll never forget it." "No; I shan't think that; but I should like to go home at once." "But surely that is not your last word!"

"Has he once said he was sorry?" asked Mrs. Simcoe. "Has he told you so this morning?" "Of course he is sorry, Aunty. How could he help it? Do you suppose he is a brute? Do you suppose he hasn't ordinary human feeling? Why do you treat him so?" Hope asked the question almost fiercely. Mrs. Simcoe sat profoundly still, and said nothing. Her face seemed to grow even more rigid as she sat.

But there was no bird, Glyn seeing instead the back of little Burton, seated at his desk with the flap open resting against his head, as he seemed to be peering in; and just then the little fellow uttered a low sob. "Poor little chap!" thought Glyn. "Why, that brute of a cat must have had one of his white mice, and he's crying about it."

I'll give you a lesson, you scoundrel! You took the order a fortnight ago and the boots aren't ready yet! Do you suppose I want to come trapesing round here half a dozen times a day for my boots? You wretch! you brute!" Fyodor shook his head and set to work on the boots. The customer went on swearing and threatening him for a long time.

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