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Updated: September 2, 2024

And whereas he thinks meats sacrificed to idols to be lawful enough out of the case of scandal, for this reason, because they are the good creatures of God, he should have considered better the Apostle’s mind concerning such idolothites; which Zanchius setteth down thus: Verum est, per se haec nihil sunt, sed respectu eorum quibut immolantur aliquid sunt; quia per hoec illis quibus immolantur, nos consociamur.

They consist of versicles and responses and these differ from other versicles and responses, which are generally historic, e.g., In omnem terram exivit sonus eorum, Amavit eum Dominus et laudavit eum. They are said in some Offices in Vespers, Compline, Lauds, Prime and Little Hours.

"In Gallia non solum in omnibus civitatibus atque in omnibus pagis partibusque sed paene etiam in singulis domibus factiones sunt, earumque factionum principes sunt qui summam auctoritatem eorum judicio habere existimantur.... Haec est ratio in summa totius Galliae, namque omnes civitates in partes divisae sunt duas.

These gentlemen deal in regeneration: but at any price I should hardly yield my rigid fibres to be regenerated by them, nor begin, in my grand climacteric, to squall in their new accents, or to stammer, in my second cradle, the elemental sounds of their barbarous metaphysics. Si isti mihi largiantur ut repuerascam, et in eorum cunis vagiam, valde recusem!

Sacerdos nequis vir eset. Censuere. 19. Haice utei in coventionid exdeicatis ne minus trinum | noundinum contione 24. senatuosque sententiam utei scientes esetis eorum | sententia ita fuit: 25.

Mark rapiuntur. Though they get no just occasion, yet, if they take occasion, though unjustly, that is enough to make us abstain from things indifferent. Etiam ea, saith Balduine, quoe natura sunt sua liberoe observationis, in statu confessionis, cum ab adversariis eorum mutatio postulatur, fiunt necessaria. Sect. 5. 5.

"Nesciunt mortui, etiam sancti, quid agunt vivi, etiam eorum filii, quia animae mortuorum rebus viventium non intersunt": "The dead, though holy, know nothing of the living, no, not of their own children: for the souls of those departed, are not conversant with their affairs that remain." And if we doubt of St.

But proceed we with the Bishop. Secondly, saith he, the bond of it reacheth to all that religioni eorum voluerunt copulari, ver. 27, then, a matter of religion it was, had reference to that: what need any joining in religion for a matter of good fellowship? Ans. There is no word in the text of religion.

A few lines of Pliny which I wrote on the title-page of his history, will suffice to show the feelings with which I heard of his death: 'Mihi autem videtur acerba semper et immatura mors eorum qui immortale aliquid parant.

Eundem igitur esse creditote, etiam si nullum videbitis. 80 Nec vero clarorum virorum post mortem honores permanerent, si nihil eorum ipsorum animi efficerent, quo diutius memoriam sui teneremus.

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