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Bishop Spotswood allegeth his words anent the abolishing of these festival days, thus: Ego neque suasor neque impulsor fui, atque hoc testatum volo, si mihi delata optio, &c. Whereas the words in that epistle lie thus: Ego tametsi neque suasor, neque impulsor fui, sic tamen accidisse non moleste fero. Quod si statum nostrae ecclesiae aeque compertum haberes, non dubitares meo judicio subscribere.

Publico ecclesiæ judicio. Rymer, Vol. VI. part 2, p. 188. Bennet to Henry VIII.: State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 468. State Papers, Vol. VII. p. 469. Ibid. Ibid. p. 470. Ibid. p. 467, note, and p. 470. Burnet, Vol. I. p. 221.

Now, that A. was dead, Dom. had nothing to fear in regard to the object of his hatred, or the gratification of his hate. Odii. Gen. of the respect. Qui dissimularet. Qui==talis, ut, hence the subj. Lecto testamento. When A.'s will was read. Honore judicioque. As if a mark of honor and esteem. E. says==judicio honorifico. Piissimae, devoted, affectionate. Malum principem.

"In Gallia non solum in omnibus civitatibus atque in omnibus pagis partibusque sed paene etiam in singulis domibus factiones sunt, earumque factionum principes sunt qui summam auctoritatem eorum judicio habere existimantur.... Haec est ratio in summa totius Galliae, namque omnes civitates in partes divisae sunt duas.

Now, sir, if you can find caution judicio sisti, that is, that ye winna flee the country, but appear and relieve your caution when ca'd for in our legal courts, ye may be set at liberty this very morning." "Mr. Jarvie," said Owen, "if any friend would become surety for me to that effect, my liberty might be usefully employed, doubtless, both for the house and all connected with it."

In the law of almost every country, the character of an Alien Enemy carries with it a disability to sue, or to sustain, in the language of the civilians, a persona standi in judicio.

I'll be your bail myself But ye'll mind it's a bail judicio sisti, as our town-clerk says, not judicatum solvi; ye'll mind that, for there's muckle difference." Mr.

Dryden, when he had not a bad case to argue, would have had small respect for the wit whose skill lay in the making of faults, and has himself, where his self-love was not engaged, admirably defined the boundary which divides boldness from rashness. What Quintilian says of Seneca applies very aptly to Dryden: "Velles eum suo ingenio dixisse, alieno judicio."

After vexatious interlocutors in which the Lord Ordinary has refused interim interdict, but passed the bill to try the question, reserving expenses; or has repelled the dilatory defences, and ordered the case to the roll for debate on the peremptory defences; or has taken to avizandum; or has ordered re-revised condescendence and answers on the conjoint probation; or has sisted diligence till caution be found judicio sisti; or has done nearly all these things together in one breath, it is like the consolation derived from meeting a companion in adversity, to find that at Westminster Hall, "In fermedon the tenant having demanded a view after a general imparlance, the demandant issued a writ of petit cape held irregular."

Sect. 8. 3. Jus naturae is ubique idem, as Rosinus: it is approved communi omnium gentium judicio atque assensu, as the Professors of Leyden: it is one and the same among all nations, in respect of the principles of it, as Aquinas and Zanchius: the law of nature fixa est cordibus nostris, as Stella: yea, it isso written in our hearts that iniquity itself cannot blot it out,” as Augustine saith; and we learn from the Apostle, that the law of nature is manifest in the Gentiles, for God hath showed it unto them, Rom. i. 19; therefore there is none ignorant, saith Pareus.

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