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"Ye speak like a child, Steenie I mean my Lord of Buckingham," answered the king, "and as one that does not understand the logic of the schools; for an action may be inconsequential or even meritorious, quoad hominem, that is, as touching him upon whom it is acted; and yet most criminal, quoad locum, or considering the place wherein it is done; as a man may lawfully dance Chrighty Beardie or any other dance in a tavern, but not inter parietes ecclesiae.

There is in Campton Church a tablet erected to Daniel Goldsmith, "Ecclesiae de Campton Pastor idem et Patronus;" also to Maria Goldsmith, "uxor dilectissima."

Dupin took an active part with the other theologians of his school in opposing this Unigenitus, and wrote his book De Antiqua Ecclesiae disciplina in order to defend the Gallican Church from the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome.

And Tilen teacheth us, that when the church hath determined the mutable circumstances, in the worship of God, for public edification, privatorum conscientiis liberum est quandoque ista omittere, modo offendicula vitentur, nihil que ex contemptu ecclesiae ac ministerii publici petulanti καινοτομια vel κειοδοξια facere videantur. Sect. 6.

Thence to the porter's, in the absence of the butler, and did drink of the College beer, which is very good; and went into the back fields to see the scholars play. And so to the chapel, and there saw, among other things, Sir H. Wotton's stone with this Epitaph: Hic jacet primus hujus sententiae Author: Disputandi pruritus fit ecclesiae scabies.

Recorded by Roger Houeden in parte priore Annalium, fol. 255. linea 15. Dein praesulatu dimisso Wiltoniensis ecclesiae, qui sibi ad regendum commissus fuerat, et Hermanno, cujus supra mentionem fecimus, reddito, mare transijt, et per Hungarian profectus est Hierosolymam, &c. The same in English. In the yere of our Lord 1058.

De baptizatis autem, qui firmiter fidem Catholicam in humilitate cordis sub Ecclesiae praeceptis seruauerunt, hi soli filij sunt lucis, et in via veniendi ad coelestem Paradisum quem Christus verbo praedicauit, et ad quem corpore et anima, videntibus discipulis, de facto conscendit.

Quincy says that to the Congregational clergy the "institution is perhaps more indebted than to any other class of men for early support, if not for existence." That it has not avowedly turned aside from its original object is indicated by the motto which it still bears, Christo et Ecclesiae.

They rushed impetuously from the basilica and marched along the quays to the Chamber of Deputies. Left alone in the deserted nave, the wise Cornemuse, lifting his arms to heaven, murmured in broken accents: "Agnosco fortunam ecclesiae penguicanae! I see but too well whither this will lead us." The attack which the crowd made upon the legislative palace was repulsed.

"Valde, Domine," replied the lad, "Quomodo se habet anima tua, charum exemplar sacerdotage, et fulcrum robustissium Ecclesiae sacrosancte?" "Very good, Harry," replied his Reverence, laughing "stand aside; I'll hear you after Kelly."

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