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It is no wonder, therefore, he succeeds in it better than the man of humanity, as a person who makes use of indirect methods is more likely to grow rich than the fair trader. Part Two. Quis enim bonus, aut face dignus Arcana, qualem Cereris vult esse sacerdos, Ulla aliena sibi credat mala? JUV., Sat. xv. 140. Who can all sense of others' ills escape, Is but a brute, at best, in human shape.

Nemo tam divos habuit favintis, Crastinum ut possit sibi polliceri. Of heaven's protection who can be So confident to utter this? To-morrow I will spend in bliss. SEGED, lord of Ethiopia, to the inhabitants of the world: To the sons of Presumption, humility and fear; and to the daughters of Sorrow, content and acquiescence.

Popular as they were, not merely with youthful readers, they undoubtedly brought the historical novel into some discredit a little before the middle of the century. Here and in a good many cases to come it is impossible to particularise criticism. It matters the less that, from Ainsworth's Rookwood and James' Richelieu onwards, the work of both was very much par sibi in merit and defect alike.

Fastidit vinum, quia jam sit it iste cruorem: Tam bibit hunc avide, quam bibit ante merum. Adspice felicem sibi, non tibi, Romule, Sullam: Et Marium, si vis, adspice, sed reducem. Nec non Antoni civilia bella moventis Nec semel infectas adspice caeda manus. Et dic, Roma perit: regnabit sanguine multo, Ad regnum quisquis venit ab exsilio.

Montesinos. Nothing, except more books. Sir Thomas More. "Crescit, indulgens sibi, dirus hydrops." Montesinos. Nay, nay, my ghostly monitor, this at least is no diseased desire. If I covet more, it is for the want I feel and the use which I should make of them.

Colonel Stuart and his officers treat me with all the civility I could wish; and I play my part admirably. Laetus aliis, sapiens sibi, the classical sentence which you, I imagine, invented the other day, is exemplified in my present existence. The Bishop , to whom I had the honour to be known several years ago, shews me much attention; and I am edified by his conversation.

"Alter is qui nos sibi quondam ad pedes stratos ne sublevabat quidem, qui se nihil contra hujus voluntatem aiebat facere posse." "That other one," he continues meaning Pompey, and pursuing his picture of the present contrast "who in days gone by would not even lift me when I lay at his feet, and told me that he could do nothing but as Cæsar wished it."

King broke from the Aeneid to the Georgics and back again, pausing now and then to translate some specially loved line or to dwell on the treble-shot texture of the ancient fabric. He did not allude to the coming interview with Mullins except at the last, when he said, 'I think at this juncture, Pater, I need not ask you for the precise significance of atqui sciebat quae sibi barbarus tortor.

Accessere quidam cogitationum principis periti, qui, iturusne esset in provinciam, ultro Agricolam interrogarent: ac primo occultius quietem et otium laudare, mox operam suam in approbanda excusatione offerre: postremo non jam obscuri, suadentes simul terrentesque, pertraxere ad Domitianum; qui paratus simulatione, in arrogantiam compositus, et audiit preces excusantis, et, cum annuisset, agi sibi gratias passus est: nec erubuit beneficii invidia.

Cicero's Partem fortuna sibi vindicat applies to diplomacy as well as to war, "but the stroke was very bold and very dangerous." The speeches made by Cavour in defence of the alliance before the two Houses of Parliament contain the clearest exposition of his political faith that he had yet given.

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