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Updated: September 3, 2024

The Abbess had just saidGratiasand the sisters had sungQui vivit et regnat per omnia saecula saeculorum, Amen,” when in came the Manciple mysteriously, and, with many deprecating bows and outstretchings of the hands, sidled himself up upon the dais, and, permission having been given him, spoke to the Lady Mother thus: “Madam, there is a certain pilgrim at the gate who asks refreshment and a night’s lodging.” It is true he spoke softly, but little pink ears are sharp of hearing, and nuns, from their secluded way of life, love to hear news of the great world.

"Benedicamus Dominum!" "Deo gratias!" rumbled the fat priest, as he heaved his rotundity from the saddle with the assistance of one of the grooms. They shook hands, and Fifanti turned to survey me for the second time. "And this is my noble charge!" said he. "Salve! Be welcome to my house, Messer Agostino." I got to earth, accepted his proffered hand, and thanked him.

Whereat Alfred rose up and stared, crossing himself. "Deo gratias," he said under his breath, and then said aloud, "Lo, this is the sign of which I spoke even now that my fishers should return laden with spoil, even for an army, although frost and snow have prevented them from taking fish for many days, and today was less likelihood of their doing so than ever."

After the Indulgentiam come the concluding versicles of the preces, Dignare ... sine peccato ... miserere ... miserere ... Fiat ... Quemadmodum ... Domine ... Et ... Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo, and the prayer Domine Deus Omnipotens ... Amen. ... Dominus vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo. ... Benedicamus Domino, Deo gratias.

The Jury, after a quarter of an hour's deliberation, brought in their verdict of guilty, and the brutal Chief-Justice condemned him to be hung, emboweled, and quartered on the 1st day of July, 1681. The venerable martyr, for such he may well be called, bowed his head to the bench, and exclaimed: Deo gratias!

Gratias ago, unworthy me, who by my own fault could not reign. Harry was silenced, awe-struck, and by-and-by the King took him to see his old chamber in the White Tower, up a winding stone stair.

The Jury, after a quarter of an hour's deliberation, brought in their verdict of guilty, and the brutal Chief-Justice condemned him to be hung, emboweled, and quartered on the 1st day of July, 1681. The venerable martyr, for such he may well be called, bowed his head to the bench, and exclaimed: Deo gratias!

Never saw I man so changed, my Father; his speech, formerly profane, was all of God and the Saints; he did penance and confessed his sins publicly; ay, by the Justice's order he received one hundred lashes in the market-place, and at every lash he cried with upturned face, 'Deo Gratias! And I was there, because he besought of me to stand in the crowd and pray for him that his courage failed not.

"Crede, prime," the Latinist told him, "if I hadn't got here to burn all your papers, they would have squeezed your neck; and if I had burned the whole house they wouldn't have touched a hair of your head. But quod eventum, eventum; gratias agamus Domino Deo quia non in Marianis Insulis es, camotes seminando."

Poor Mrs. Evelyn must have thought herself providing for Fordham. Oh yes, I shall gladly lie down when these notes are done, but this is not a chance to be neglected. Now, Deo gratias, it will be my own fault if Magnum Bonum is not worked out to the utmost; yes, much better than if we had never gone to America. Even Bobus owns that all things have worked together for good!"

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