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Updated: August 31, 2024

Thus did his reflection lead him till the end of the Gospel, and when he said the Deo gratias he had as yet decided nothing.

Then Metaneira made a potion and gave it to the Goddess as she bade, and Lady Deo took it and made libation, and to them fair-girdled Metaneira said: "Hail, lady, for methinks thou art not of mean parentage, but goodly born, for grace and honour shine in thine eyes as in the eyes of doom- dealing kings.

Unum Dominum Jesum Christum; Filium Dei Unigenitum; Ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula; Deum de Deo; Lumen de Lumine; Deum Verum de Deo Vero; Genitum non factum; Consubstantialem Patri. Then His first achievement had been declared; "Per quem omnia facta sunt."

Kyrie eleison ... Gloria in excelsis Deo ... those things passed like a shadow-show, with movements and rustlings, but he perceived rather the light which cast them. He heard Deus qui in hodierna die ... but his passive mind gave no pulse of reflex action, no stir of understanding until these words. Cum complerentur dies Pentecostes....

The sense of tears was in Kudrat Sharif's voice; but it loomed into courage, as it chanted the superior excellence of Neela Deo's attributes. Then Neela Deo braced himself and went on, but more slowly. The big Englishman smiled tenderly: "He's a white-wizard, is Kudrat Sharif that mahout! He does beautiful magic, with his passion and with his pain.

Experiebatur acerba dissidia, ingeniorumque subtilissimorum acerrima certamina, odia, ambitiones, inde cieri, foveri; adeo contraria paci cum Deo et homine. Horrebat inde dominantis sectae praevalentem opinionem, orthodoxiae modum, et regulas, unice dare juxta dictata metaphysicorum, non sacrarum literarum; unde tam variae; sententiae de doctrina simplicissima." Orig. Edit.

At last, a Javanese at Sarawak said he could cast a bell large enough if he had the metal; so Frank bought a hundredweight of broken gongs there is a great deal of silver in gong metal and with these the bell was cast. Then an inscription had to be put round the rim "Gloria in excelsis Deo," in large letters; and the date, Sir James Brooke's name on one side, and F. T. McDougall on the other.

The howdah was lacquered in raw gold its curtains were imperial blue. Kudrat Sharif was clothed in pure thin white like the son of a prince but he was very frail; and ninety-odd thousand people sent his name, with the name of Neela Deo, up into the Indian night for the Indian gods to hear.

George proves itself a real force, it will not be per hominem, it will not be by the Reverend Father's eloquence in the pulpit, but by the vocation of the community ex Deo. Meanwhile, here I am at Aldershot. Brother Chad, whose place I have taken, was a character of infinite sweetness and humility.

"'Spectaculum facti sumus Deo, angelis et hominibus. These are the words of Saint Paul, Englished thus, 'We are made a spectacle or sight unto God, unto His angels, and unto men'; verified this day in me, who am here a spectacle unto my Lord God, a spectacle unto His angels, and unto you men, satisfying myself to die as becometh a true Christian and Catholic man."

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