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Updated: September 12, 2024

The Pope, accompanied by his cardinals, went solemnly to the church of Saint Mark to render thanks to God for the grace thus singularly vouchsafed to the Holy See and to all Christendom; and a Te Deum was performed in presence of the same august assemblage. But nothing could exceed the satisfaction which the event occasioned in the mind of Philip the Second.

"The inspiring strains of 'the English Te Deum, 'Coronation, rise on the starlit night, thrilling every soul and suggesting in its triumphant measures, the lines of Perronet's immortal hymn made sacred by a thousand associations 'All hail the power of Jesus' Name." "This greeting of the Resurrection, as it floats out over Monument Cemetery just opposite, where sleep so many thousands, does seem like an assurance sent anew from above, cheering those who sleep in Jesus, telling them that as their Lord and King had risen, and now lives again, so shall they live also.

They may serve for the loves of Tibullus, or the dear Author of the Schoolmistress; for passions that creep and whine in Elegies and Pastoral Ballads. I am sure Milton never loved at this rate. Quid mirum, Leonora, tibi si gloria major, Nam tua præsentem vox sonat ipsa Deum?

For of this I am certain, that the dog would suffer less; for men love their dependents much more than do their dependents them; and this is especially true of brutes; for men are nearer to the gods. When I was a boy What a phrase! What memories! O! Noctes Coenasque Deum! Why, then, is there something in man that wholly perishes?

Had she not told him with her own lips that she was to be there at this hour? He made a Te Deum of the click of the gate, and turned northward a face which bore record of an inner splendor. He had set out to see Miss Carstairs in order to ask of her if she knew the whereabouts, in Hunston or New York, of the fair-spoken yet elusive Higginson.

If they did not get regiments sent to their aid, they felt that the eyes of all Europe were upon them, ready to grieve at their possible ill-success, while their victories would be celebrated with the Te Deum in the cathedrals of every capital in Europe.

She was met by the whole community and conducted with due ceremonial to the choir, where the Veni Creator and the Te Deum were chanted.

There are certain hymns appointed for use on Sundays, canticles from the Old and New Testament, the Te Deum, Benedicite, and Quicunque Vult. Also a Litany, and sundry additional prayers. The east end of the #South Choir Aisle# corresponding to that of the north choir aisle is now fitted up with an altar for week-day services.

Howbeit, Herdegen had by good hap escaped a sharp fray; and when Ann and I, kneeling side by side in Saint Laurence's church, had offered up a thanksgiving from the bottom of our hearts, meseemed we were as some Captain who sings Te Deum after a victory.

He shipwrecks the most handy boats, though they have been blessed by the Priest to the chanting of the Te Deum; he drowns the most skilful master mariners, and it is all his fault you see in the village, before the cottage doors where the nets hang to dry beside the fish-creels, so many women wearing black widow's weeds. GERMAINE is ill. Nobody knows how it began.

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