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Kneeling beside the unconscious man, Abbe Midon, with admirable dexterity, was stanching the blood and applying bandages which had been torn from the linen of those present. Maurice and one of the officers were assisting him. "Ah! if I had my hands on the scoundrel who cut the rope," cried the corporal, in a passion of indignation; "but patience. I shall have him yet." "Do you know who it was?"

"O, it's enough to break anybody's heart!" "Be you goin' to cry?" said Dotty, in a soft voice, kneeling, and peeping up into Prudy's eyes, with some curiosity. Prudy was obliged to smile but hid her face in the sofa-pillow, and hoped Dotty did not see her. She found she must hit upon some other plan. Dotty could not be made to feel the terrors of growing up a dunce.

Marie-Anne and her father were kneeling on the hearth, upon which a huge fire was blazing. On hearing the door open, they turned; and at the sight of Maurice, they both sprang up, blushing and confused. "What brings you here?" they exclaimed in the same breath. Under other circumstances, Maurice d'Escorval would have been dismayed by such a hostile greeting, but now he scarcely noticed it.

Immediately, do you understand?" "We understand," said Hal. "And my mother, you will do as you have promised?" "We have promised," said Chester simply. "Then I may die in peace," said the wounded traitor. He lay back on the ground at full length, shuddered, once, twice, and lay still. Hal rose from his kneeling posture, and lifted his cap from his head. "He is dead," he said quietly.

Kneeling beside him, Young's leg pressed against something round and hard in Letts' pocket. A quick investigation brought forth a small revolver. "Are you hurt, child?" he inquired, getting up. "Did he hurt you?" "Not a bit, Uncle Forrie, but he scared me awful." The prostrate man groaned, moved his limbs and sat up, slowly. He glanced around as though trying to figure out what'd happened.

The woman in the room sank to her knees beside the body of her husband, and prayed. Slowly the red mist faded from before Tarzan's eyes. Things began to take form he was regaining the perspective of civilized man. His eyes fell upon the figure of the kneeling woman. "Olga," he whispered. She looked up, expecting to see the maniacal light of murder in the eyes above her.

"Mean it!" he exclaimed, kneeling before her, his voice all tremulous with the hope which the slightly yielding intonation of her words had given him. "Yes yes I mean it." The faint ghost of a smile, which only brought out the sadness of her face, as a taper in a crypt reveals its gloom, hovered about her eyes. "Poor boy!" she said; "I've, treated you very badly.

As we entered, the draught from the door sent a tongue of flame darting to mid-air from the central fire, and scores of tawny faces with glance intent on the speaker were etched against the dark. These were no camp families, but braves, deep in war council. The elder men sat with crossed feet to the fore of the circle. The young braves were behind, kneeling, standing, and stretched full length.

But this scamp, when they were having family worship, used to fill in with "Amen!" and "God grant it!" and the like pious exclamations when the governor was offering up his morning prayer. But one morning Bob Wade brought a breast-strap from off the harness, and took care to kneel within easy reach of the kneeling hired man's pants.

A few worshippers were kneeling in silence before some of the shrines and the echo of my tread seemed like a profaning sound. On every side were pictures, saints gilded shrines. A few steps removed one from the bustle and din of the crowd to the stillness and solemnity of the holy retreat.

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