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So she dug her claws into Hal's side, every now and then, and tried to peck him with her bill, but Hal told her it was no use, for go into that creek she should. Well, he got to the creek at last, and stood triumphantly on a little bank just over it. He took a good grip of his hen, and then lifted up his arm to give her a nice toss into the water.

"I am just as much a gentleman as you are, and my word is my bond!" The young Englishman's face flushed. "Forgive me!" he exclaimed, extending his hand. "I am sorry for my unreasonable doubts. I am sure that you can be trusted." "I believe that our friend's decision simplifies matters exceedingly," declared Hal. "In what way?" demanded the lieutenant. "In the first place, it makes one less of us.

Then the Moro prisoners were forced to pay it humble reverence, after which they were allowed, on their hands and knees, to crawl out of the fort and find their liberty outside. "I'm sorry the datto didn't live a little longer," murmured Sergeant Hal to his chum. "I'd have enjoyed seeing him salute the Flag fifty times and then crawl away on his knees."

They rode for perhaps fifteen minutes, and so far Hal had seen no signs of an enemy, nor was there any evidence that a large force had passed that way recently. He turned to Stubbs. "I see no sign of the enemy," he said. "Where were they?" Stubbs motioned to the left. "Beyond the woods, there, in an open field," he replied. "I didn't see them, but I heard 'em, all right.

"And Kamanako is really Lieutenant Osuri," muttered Jack. "Yet the fellow was working in the hotel kitchen until he could get a chance to apply for a job on this craft." "I don't recognize any other spies among these pictures," muttered Hal. "The only ones here that we know we had already guessed." "Look at that time," muttered Jack, jumping up. "I must get on shore and see what Mr.

He heard men shouting in the lobby. A fighting mass jammed its way into the open, and there, in the middle of the square, sat Hal Dozier on his gray stallion. He was giving orders in a voice that rang above the crowd, and made voices hush in whispers as they heard him.

I found her in my room, and she said you sent her for some candy for little Hal, and I gave it to her. I do not at all like her going to my room when I'm not there." "You are down on Celestine simply because she is mine, and you know it, Fanny. It is so with everything, everybody that is at all dear to me. That is enough to set you against them.

Lady Threlkeld questioned closely as to the colour of the eyes and hair, and the general appearance of the hermit, and Hal replied, without suspicion, that the eyes were blue, the hair, he thought, of a light colour, the frame tall and slight, graceful though stooping; he had thought at first that the hermit must be old, very old, but had since come to a different conclusion.

Fortunately, I think we know the phrase that will get us by." "What do you mean?" asked Hal. "Why, the one you used on Robard in Rome," said Chester. "'From the Wilhelmstrasse." "By Jove! I believe you are right," declared Hal. "I am certain of it," replied Chester. "So, you see, we will overcome suspicion, and will have freedom of the Austrian camp practically.

"No can wait!" he declared. "Men no stand it! I say, 'It come some day quick like blow-up in mine! Somebody start fight, everybody fight." And Jerry looked at Rosa, who sat with her black eyes fixed anxiously upon her husband. "We get into it," he said; and Hal saw their eyes turn to the room where Little Jerry and the baby were sleeping.

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