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Updated: August 27, 2024

It was a performance unpleasantly suggestive and at the same time singularly dramatic. Simpson's heart fluttered disagreeably as he watched it. "Lord, man! How you made me jump!" he exclaimed, on his feet beside him the same instant, and peering over his shoulder into the sea of darkness. "What's up? Are you frightened ?"

On my asking where the model came from, he said it was taken direct from the arm of a deformed person, who had employed one of the Italian moulders to make the cast. It was a curious case, it should seem, of one beautiful limb upon a frame otherwise singularly imperfect. I have repeatedly noticed this little gentleman's use of his left arm. Can he have furnished the model I saw at the sculptor's?

What do you think, Dagaeoga?" "My thought has not taken shape yet, Tayoga, but if 'tis fancy then 'tis singularly persistent. I see the black mote too, to the left, toward the western shore of the lake, is it not?" "Aye, Dagaeoga, that is where it is. If we are both the victims of fancy then our illusions are wonderfully alike.

I'm beginning to think the name singularly appropriate. It wouldn't be the first time one landed in Newport, according to legend," she added. "I haven't read the poem since childhood," said Chiltern, looking at her fixedly, "but he became domesticated, if I remember rightly." "Yes," she admitted, "the impossible happened to him, as it usually does in books. And then, circumstances helped.

The survivors amongst her scattered bishops, and the long train of her ejected clergy, represented not only a tale of individual suffering, but an insult offered to the cherished traditions of a people singularly prone to be touched by an appeal to history.

If von Zeppelin knew of the exploit which rumour had assigned to him which is doubtful he could not have carried it out. His ship collided with a tree an accident singularly frequent in the Zeppelin records so disabling it that it could only limp home under half power.

"Somehow or other. I would go to the American consul. I would beg him to give me money to help me." I received this assertion without a smile; I was not in a smiling humour. On the contrary, I felt singularly excited, and I kept my hand on the lock of the gate.

Yet it is not to be overlooked and in this connection it is a point of some weight that, so far as the predatory traditions of its statecraft will permit, the Imperial establishment has in all these matters been guided by a singularly unreserved attention to its own material advantage.

As the year went on, the violent temper of Paul IV. involved him in war with Philip; France naturally took up his cause; and it was more difficult than ever for Mary to escape being dragged into the imbroglio a singularly painful position for so fervent a daughter of Rome; while the English refugees checkmated their own party at home by their readiness to pay any price-even to the betrayal of Calais-for French support.

You'd better look sharp after your pups or the hounds will chew them up." The boy stood midway of the road, kicking the dust impatiently ahead of him. His lips quivered with disappointment, and the expression gave them a singularly wistful beauty. "I'll give you all my pocket money if you'll take me with you," he pleaded suddenly, stretching out a handful of silver.

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