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Updated: January 22, 2025
Her ancient name was Regnum, the city, it is said, first of Cogidubnus, King of the Regni and Legate in Britain of Claudius Caesar.
Perhaps there was some attempt in its design to take advantage of such suggestions as the Romans left behind them at Regnum, for we find in early instances of English architecture that such examples had exercised some influence upon the elementary efforts of those days.
This was just the sort of place which the English pirates loved, for all tradition represents their first settlements as effected on isolated spots like Thanet, Hurst Castle, Holderness, and Bamborough. Thence they would march upon Regnum, the square Roman town at the harbour head, and reduce it by storm, garrisoned as it doubtless was by a handful of semi-Romanised Welshmen or Britons.
Calicut is placed in the peninsula of Cambaya or Guzerate. The Aurea Chersonesus and Regnum Malacha, or Malacca, are separated by a great gulf, while the latter is placed so low as 30° S. latitude. This much may suffice for an account of the incorrect yet curious specimen of cosmographical knowledge which had been acquired by the learned in Europe about 300 years ago.
The doctor continued, "Sanctificetur nomen tuum." "Que votre nom soit sanctifié," said the Provençal. "Naomhthar hainm," said the Irishwoman. "Adveniat regnum tuum," continued the doctor. "Que votre règne arrive," said the Provençal. "Tigeadh do rioghachd," said the Irishwoman. As they knelt, the waters had risen to their shoulders. The doctor went on, "Fiat voluntas tua."
As the subject possesses considerable interest for the general reader as well as the learned historian, I think it well to place the two authorities side by side, that the text may be compared: LII. William I., as given by Eadments. "De fide et obsequio erga Regnum. Charter from Textus Roffensis, given by Mr. Stubbs.
However that may be, we know that it with the rest of Britain must have been a Christian city long before the failure of the Roman administration. With that failure and the final departure of the Legions, Regnum fell on evil days. Its position as the key to those harbours which had given it its importance now exposed it to the first raids of the pirates.
Simile factum est regnum coelorum homini regi qui fecit nuptias filio suo. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which married his son, and sent forth his servants to call them that, &c.
Princes reign over the body, priests over the soul. As much as the soul is worthier than the body, so much worthier is the priesthood than the monarchy." "The Sacerdotium is the sun, the Regnum the moon. Kings rule over their respective kingdoms, but Peter rules over the whole earth. The Sacerdotium came by divine creation, the Regnum by man's cunning."
The Latin tragic poet touches close upon that sentiment in the fine lines "Rex est qui metuit nihil; Hoc regnum sibi quisque dat." So stood the brothers, Sweyn the outlaw and Harold the Earl, before the reputed prophetess. She looked on both with a steady eye, which gradually softened almost into tenderness, as it finally rested upon the pilgrim.
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