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Updated: September 26, 2024

Bayle, explaining the difference between testimony and argument, uses this laconic simile, "Testimony is like the shot of a long-bow, which owes its efficacy to the force of the shooter; argument is like the shot of the cross-bow, equally forcible, whether discharged by a dwarf or a giant." The arbalest is said by some writers to be of Italian origin.

Then it also occurred to me that there was some excuse for Colonel Carrington. The cases were almost parallel, and to use my friend's simile Grace Carrington was also as high as the blue heavens above her accepted lover.

He was too generous to give her details of the supper with the schoolgirls, but he could not forego the pleasure of mentioning his former simile anent dogs and possession, and he took the occasion to draw her attention to the fact that love without the conception of a right to possession on both sides was not thinkable. What was making her cry?

"That is petulant almost an insolent simile, Gregory. It only reveals, pitifully, your narrowness and prejudice and, I will add, your ignorance. Herr Lippheim is an artist; a man of character and significance. Many of my dearest friends have been such; hearts of gold; the salt of the world." "Would you have allowed a daughter of yours, may I ask, to marry one of these hearts of gold?"

"Well," resumed the Contessina, "we will fix an appointment at once; you shall come with us to the Quartiere dei Prati Dario will take us there." At this the Prince, who had listened to the priest with an air of stupefaction, unable to understand the simile of the tree and its roots, began to protest distressfully, "No, no, cousin, take Monsieur l'Abbe for a stroll there if it amuses you.

'As slamp an wobbly as an owd corn-boggart, so his neighbours described him when they wished to be disrespectful, and the simile fitted very closely with the dishevelled, disjointed appearance which was at all times characteristic of him, Sundays or weekdays.

But as this famous simile might apply with equal propriety to a bad angel as to a good one, it may in like manner be employed to illustrate small quarrels as well as great a little family squabble, in which two or three people are engaged, as well as a vast national dispute, argued on each side by the roaring throats of five hundred angry cannon.

"Miss Abbeway and I," he said, "have been having a most interesting conversation, or rather argument. I find that she is entirely of your way of thinking, Furley. You both belong to the order of what I call puffball politicians." Catherine laughed heartily at the simile. "Mr. Stenson is a glaring example," she pointed out, "of those who do not know their own friends. Mr.

Malaprop's mistakes, in what she herself calls "orthodoxy," have been often objected to as improbable from a woman in her rank of life; but, though some of them, it must be owned, are extravagant and farcical, they are almost all amusing, and the luckiness of her simile, "as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile," will be acknowledged as long as there are writers to be run away with, by the wilfulness of this truly "headstrong" species of composition.

Bligh, I'm sure, will make no objection to that." "Faith, and I know when to obey my superior officer, captain. A glass round, and after that " "Peter, Peter," said I, "'tis the 'after that' which sends many a good hulk to the bottom." "Not meaning to apply the term to Peter Bligh, but by way of what the landsmen call 'silime," said Mister Jacob. "'Simile' you mean, Mister Jacob.

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