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"I must seem a vain fool to say so;" she said, leaning back in her chair, and looking up at him, "and perhaps insolent too; yet I must say it. It is this: I believe that Lady Torridon Ah! how can I say it?" "Tell me," said Chris steadily, looking away from her. Beatrice shifted a little in her seat; and then stood up. "Well, it is this.

Beauty hath a day's life like the butterfly; wit shineth like the sudden flash of the lightning, leaving only the cloud behind it; and oh! for the vain wisdom of man which makes him vain and unsteady likely to falter liable to fall rash in his judgment erring in his aims blind to his duty wilful in his weakness insolent to his fellow presumptuous in the sight of God.

You shall often find that humility is not merely of no service to you, but is even hurtful, especially when used in dealing with insolent men, who, through envy or other like cause, have conceived hatred against you. Proof whereof is supplied by our historian where he explains the causes of this war between the Romans and the Latins.

"May be it's you that will go first yourself," said she. "Go first myself!" cried Captain Crawley, furiously: "Are you insolent to me?" "And are not you cru'l to me, and to my child I nursed, that lies all as one as dead before you, and was a good friend to you in his day, no doubt?"

The Tato made him understand, with an insolent expression, that he had bought a knife, and that he intended its first fleshing to be in the bowels of some priest or other who ground down the poor. His niece complained to Don Antolin, they paid no attention to her and flouted her, no woman now ever came to help her gratuitously in her household duties.

Nor was this advantage sufficient to satisfy the indignation of the emperor. He resolved to chastise as well as to repulse the insolent barbarians who had dared to invade the territories of Rome.

Perhaps the words might have been warmer, but for his annoyance at the insolent boldness with which she had removed the coverings from his works. He restrained himself from openly blaming her, it is true, but he exclaimed, with a tinge of gay sarcasm: "You seem to feel very much at home here already, fairest of the fair.

The pope showered privileges upon the Templars. They were exempted from tithes and taxes, and were brought under his immediate jurisdiction; they were released from feudal obligations, and bishops were forbidden to excommunicate them. No wonder they grew insolent and aroused the jealousy and hate of princes and prelates alike.

She looked up, in time to see the flicker of amusement sponged from his face. It stirred vague anger in her. "He was insolent and ungentlemanly." "As how?" "It doesn't matter how." Her manner specifically declined to particularize. "Would you recognize him again if you met him? Describe him, if you can." "Yes.

"It is really insolent of the man, though, to call you an 'idle shepherd' and a 'dumb dog," said Mrs. Irwine. "I should be inclined to check him a little there. You are too easy-tempered, Dauphin." "Why, Mother, you don't think it would be a good way of sustaining my dignity to set about vindicating myself from the aspersions of Will Maskery? Besides, I'm not so sure that they ARE aspersions.

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