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Updated: November 1, 2024

The more the wine got into his head, the more unsteady his hand became, the more strong was his desire to woo the goddess whose broken-nosed image seemed to be luring him to fortune. "You are right, Master Segrave," he said thickly, "we are wasting valuable time.

Rachael, snubbed, instantly fell silent. "I've got my side in all this dissatisfied business, too," the man presently said with unsteady dignity. "You never cared a damn for me, or what became of me! I've had you ding-donging your troubles at me day and night; it never occurs to you what I'm up against." He looked at his watch. "You want some money?" he asked.

Three months more passed, when one evening, when he had dined rather too well, and was rather unsteady on his legs, Monsieur de Coutelier, while he was smoking his pipe with Monsieur de Courville, said to him: "You would really pity me, if you only knew how continually I am thinking about your friend."

I'm a bit unsteady been playing too long." Mary stood in the doorway, one hand caressing the little rose. That Beatrice should have had the flower was her first thought. Then it occurred to her that Beatrice would have all the flowers at the formal affairs to be given the bridal couple, besides sitting opposite Steve at his own table.

Was there, under heaven, such a thing as justice? He looked at the man before him with such an intensity of prolonged glance that he seemed to see right through him, that at last he saw but a floating and unsteady mist in human shape. Would it blow away before the first breath of the breeze and leave nothing behind? The sound of Willems' voice made him start violently. Willems was saying

Mind you, all this time I, only a boy, was working in a gale of wind and driven rain, and was clinging to a yard that was sweeping from side to side in lurching, unsteady flight far above the deck and the angry sea.

"I'm I'm goin' to sign the pledge," he said, with an unsteady wink, "an' then I'm goin' to get merried, yes, sir, boys; rattlin' nice girl, too, 'way up girl, temperance girl. But there's many a cup 'twixt the slip and the lip ain't there, boys? Yes, sir, 'twixt the cup and the slip yes, sir yes, sir ee."

I feel a little unsteady and disinclined to eat, but the Baron sends me, by the Chinese waiter, a glass of champagne frappé and my courage and interest in life return. The Guatemalan proves to be a rich coffee planter exiled from home for political reasons, and returning now after an absence of several years to make his peace with the government.

Whereupon you are just as you were before." And with a somewhat unsteady hand the young man raised a bumper to his lips, whilst eying Sir Michael with the shifty and inquiring eye peculiar to the intoxicated. "Meseems that if you but abstain from playing altogether," quoth Sir Michael impatiently, "the result would still be the same.... And suppose you lose the eight guineas, what then?" "Oh!

The sunrays seemed to fall violently upon the calm sea seemed to shatter themselves upon an adamantine surface into sparkling dust, into a dazzling vapor of light that blinded the eye and wearied the brain with its unsteady brightness. Captain Whalley did not look at it.

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