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Updated: January 3, 2025
When the desk lid was raised, I removed his work and held it behind me. "But how is this?" exclaimed the Dominie, and he looked everywhere for his previous calculations. "Nay," continued he, "it must have been the wind;" and then he cast his eyes about until they fixed upon me laughing at him. "Eheu! what do my eyes perceive? It is yet it is not yes, most truly it is, my son Jacob.
Jacob Weatherby is going to set his out to-night, and I think I'll do the same. There's a fine moon, and I shouldn't wonder if every farmer in the county was in the fields till daybreak." He ate his supper hurriedly, and then, taking down his hat, went out to resume his work.
I have a proposal to make you. Come up with me to the farm for a while and drink milk." "Why, Cousin Jacob!" Sylvia's cheeks had grown very white, and now a little color stole back into them. "Oh, you're kind!" "Well, then, if you think so, come!" "When?" Sylvia already had a sick dread of the little room upstairs and its thoughts. "Now." "To-day to-night?" eagerly. He nodded.
"That is my poor man," she sobbed. "Tell him, good Peter Buyskens, for I have not the courage." Elias turned pale. The presence of the burgomaster in his house, after so many years of coolness, coupled with his wife's and daughter's distress, made him fear some heavy misfortune. "Richart! Jacob!" he gasped.
To make the lesson more complete, he took a guinea, and lowering it into the hole, said, "Put in so." Then, as he took the last lozenge out, he said, "Come out so," and put the lozenge into Jacob's hospitable mouth. Jacob turned his head on one side, looked first at his brother and then at the hole, like a reflective monkey, and, finally, laid the box of guineas in the hole with much decision.
At the time that they advanced, Jacob had been lying down in the fern near to some low black-thorn-bushes; not wishing to be perceived by them, he drew back between the bushes, intending to remain concealed until they should gallop out of sight; for Jacob thought, "I am a king's forester, and they may consider me as an enemy; and who knows how I may be treated by them?"
Hear the words of his prophecy: 'There shall come a star out of Jacob, and a sceptre shall arise out of Israel." The lips of Tigranes drew downward with contempt, as he said: "Judah was a captive by the waters of Babylon, and the sons of Jacob were in bondage to our kings.
'Hear, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel . . . who hate the good and love the evil. Micah. The portrait of Judge Hate-good in The Pilgrim's Progress is but a poor replica, as our artists say, of the portrait of Judge Jeffreys in our English history books.
Then Michael spoke to Jacob, saying: "A day will come when God will reveal Himself unto thee, and He will change thy name, and I shall be present when He changeth it. Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel, for happy thou, of woman born, who didst enter the heavenly palace, and didst escape thence with thy life."
After Esau found that he had lost his birthright and his blessing, he was very angry against his brother Jacob; and he said to himself, and told others: "My father Isaac is very old and cannot live long. As soon as he is dead, then I shall kill Jacob for having robbed me of my right."
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