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The title of the original poem was Regnum Papisticum. The book is a satire on the abuses and superstitions of the Catholic Church. Only one perfect copy of Googe's translation is known to exist: it is in the University Library at Cambridge. See Mr. R.C. Hope's introduction to his reprint of this rare work, pp. xv. sq.

The Latin tragic poet touches close upon that sentiment in the fine lines "Rex est qui metuit nihil; Hoc regnum sibi quisque dat." So stood the brothers, Sweyn the outlaw and Harold the Earl, before the reputed prophetess. She looked on both with a steady eye, which gradually softened almost into tenderness, as it finally rested upon the pilgrim.

This damsel of seventeen was said to be the loveliest in France, and there is more than a suggestion in Le Feron's De Gestis Regnum Gallorum, that Cesare was by no means indifferent to her charms.

Rex eius potens est multum, et licitum est ei, quandocunque, et quibuslibet in regno vti mulieribus, de quibus interdum magnum numerum tenet puerorum. Mille quadringentos habere solet ad praeliandum elephantes, quos sibi nutriunt villani per regnum. Elephantes vocant verkes.

The crest an anchor winged, I think it is, and the motto too tedious: "Regio floret, patrocinio commercium, commercioque Regnum."

Whatever Cissanceaster may mean, it seems to me much more likely that it represents another case of double naming; for though the Roman town was commonly known as Regnum, that is clearly a mere administrative form, derived from the tribal name of the Regni.

And the author of the Imitation puts the same thing admirably when he says: "Obscurior etiam via ad coelum videbatur quando tam pauci regnum coelorum quaerere curabant,"+ the fewer there are who follow the way to perfection, the harder that way is to find.

He could say "Adveniat regnum tuum. ... Fiat voluntas tua," five thousand times a day, if God wanted that; but there was no sting or touch, no sense of vibration through the cords that his will threw up to the Heavenly Throne. What in the world then did God want him to do? Was it just then to repeat formulas, to lie still, to open despatches, to listen through the telephone, and to suffer?

Deserta in ea sunt, Lempta, Hair, Zuenziga, Zanhaga a singulis opidis cognominibus, adpellata. Regna Targa, Bardoa et Gaoga, itidem ab opidis dicta. Sarra desertum. Continuatur huic regioni versus Meridiem Sarra, cujus longitudo a regno Gaoga ad regnum Gualata extenditur. Nigrita.

The handful grows larger, and for the space of a man's life, faith is in flower, but afterwards it is spoiled and betrayed by success, by ambitious disciples, by the Church; and so on for centuries ... Adveniat regnum tuum ... Where is the kingdom of God?" "Within us," said Clerambault, "our trials and our hopes all go to form the eternal Christ.