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But when Rex was present, the girls, according to instructions, never started this fascinating topic, and to-day there had only been animated descriptions of the Meyricks and their extraordinary Jewish friends, which caused some astonished questioning from minds to which the idea of live Jews, out of a book, suggested a difference deep enough to be almost zoological, as of a strange race in Pliny's Natural History that might sleep under the shade of its own ears.

Roy spoke in an authoritative tone, and Rex meekly obeyed. "Perhaps Rex had better come along, too. I ordered a coach, so that you could put your feet up. There'll be plenty of room." Roy whispered this in Sydney's ear as they went slowly down the stairs. "All right; just as you say. I suppose it won't make much difference how soon you all know now."

I should as soon have expected to hear you praise the wicked and foolish work of Hobbes, with his mischievous thesis, "A Deo rex, a rege lex." 'It is true that I contemn and despise the use which Butler hath made of his satire, said Saxon adroitly; 'yet I may admire the satire itself, just as one may admire a damascened blade without approving of the quarrel in which it is drawn.

"I'll let you know what Syd finds out about this as soon as he finds out anything," Rex told Miles at parting. Miles had begun to attend school. He had not had an opportunity to study since leaving the Morriseys. He was naturally quick, and made good progress. "He'll know too much by spring to be put to garden work again," Mrs. Raynor had said when she was in.

Still they beat, and struck, and struck again, till the fire died ingloriously and the hillside to the south lay dark and still, as it had been at the beginning. Beatrice wondered who had done it. Then she came back to her surroundings and realized that Rex had left her, and she was alone.

She turned sharply, almost blindly. She caught him by the shoulders. "Oh, Charles!" she said. "Charles Rex! Is there no mercy no honour in you?" There was a passion of supplication in her voice and action. As she held him he could have clasped her in his arms. But he did not. He sat motionless, looking at her, his expression still monkey-like, half-wicked, half-wistful.

Branston, uncomfortable in a kind of dog-collar of diamonds; Mrs. Preston, searching for nobility; Canon Martin; Dennison, the head-master of the School; and many others. It was just then a Polka, and the tune was so alluring, so entrancing, that the whole world rose and fell with its rhythm. And where was Joan? Joan was dancing with the Reverend Rex Forsyth, the proposed incumbent of Pybus St.

He never left his office when she was at home and awake without telling her where he was going. No one answered. "She is asleep. I will slip out without waking her. Stay where you are, Rex I will be back some time before daylight," and throwing his night-cloak about his shoulders, he started for his gig.

I consider tact, and broad-mindedness and self-sacrifice no small qualities for a minister of the gospel; and a combination of those qualities, as in you, I consider exceptional. So I went to this vestry meeting primed, and I told them we had got to have you, sir and we've got to. You'll come?" The question was much like an order, but Rex did not mind.

There could be no question of doing her an injury. Names are foolish distinctions at best, and when there is anything wrong with them it is foolish not to get rid of them at once. Do you think that I would not marry as plain Herr Rex, though I am in reality the high and well-born Horst von Rieseneck? I have but to make application for a legal change, pay the costs and the thing is done.

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