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Updated: January 3, 2025

It would be a return to the maxims of the idolators of prerogative as understood in those earlier days, that is, of absolute and arbitrary power, a Deo Rex, a Rege Lex.

"Why, John, what has happened!" cried Reginald, as his faithful nurse came to make him comfortable for the night. "You look like a ghost, and you have had no dinner! What the mischief is to pay? You must have been precious busy to leave me alone the whole afternoon." "I have been, Rege," said John quietly, "very busy." "I declare, John, I'd make tracks for freedom if I were in your shoes.

Well," he added more lightly, "I have learned not to rebel at the inevitable. It is only what we have to expect." "Elise!" echoed John wonderingly, after the first shock of grief was over. "My wife," said Reginald proudly. "You must come home at once and let me show you the sweetest woman in the world." "Not just yet, Rege I must pay a visit to Mrs.

'Sub rege Medo, under a Median King Marsus et Apulus, he being a Marsian and an Apulian. 'Who? The Median King? 'No, sir. The soldier of Crassus. Oblittus agrees with milesne Crassi, sir, volunteered too-hasty Beetle. 'Does it? It doesn't with me.

After the title of this paper were cited the 28th, 29th, and 30th verses of the tenth chapter of Proverbs. The favorite motto of the Prince, "pro lege, rege, grege," was also affixed to the document. These appeals had, however, but little effect.

"Pro Lege, Rege, Grege," was emblazoned upon some. A pelican tearing her breast to nourish her young with her life-blood was the pathetic emblem of others. It was his determination to force or entice the Duke of Alva into a general engagement. He was desirous to wipe out the disgrace of Jemmingen.

8 Præterea homines domini regis habebunt terras suas quas habebant, & habere debent de domino rege, & hominibus suis, & de rege Scotiæ & de hominibus suis. Et homines regis Scotiæ habebunt terras suas, quas habebant, & habere debent de domino rege & hominibus suis.

Besides the attitude of Crassus towards the conspiracy alone shows sufficiently that it was directed against Pompeius. V. V. Transpadanes Plutarch, Crass. 13; Cicero, de Lege agr. ii. 17, 44. To this year belongs Cicero's oration -de rege Alexandrino-, which has been incorrectly assigned to the year 698.

Once the city was greater than Antwerp; and up the Rege came the commerce of the East, merchants from the Levant, traders in jewels and silks. Now the tall houses wait for tenants, and the streets have a deserted air.

"Pro Lege, Rege, Grege," was emblazoned upon some. A pelican tearing her breast to nourish her young with her life-blood was the pathetic emblem of others. It was his determination to force or entice the Duke of Alva into a general engagement. He was desirous to wipe out the disgrace of Jemmingen.

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