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Updated: January 24, 2025

The powder in a bag was rammed home; with the help of a stout slab, a stone ball was next rolled into the muzzle, then pushed nakedly down on the bag. Of a truth there was need of measureless strength in the composition of the piece. Finally the vent was primed, and a slow-match applied, after which Urban reported: "The gun is ready, my Lord."

How they had found them in the darkness of the woods for we had long since left the stump-road I do not know; but the bars were there, and a brush fence; and Murphy whispered that, beyond, a cow-path led to Beacraft's house. Now, wary of ambuscade, we moved on, rifles primed and cocked, traversing a wet path bowered by willow and alder, until we reached a cornfield, fenced with split rails.

A mace, and two long three-cornered-headed pikes, with ash handles, strong, and light at the same time; spotted with lately-shed blood, complete the armory, modernized somewhat by the presence of two Tyrolese rifles, loaded and primed.

And, by the way, I think it's to the credit of my sagacity that I fetched Mr. Dale here fully primed, and roused the neighbourhood, which I did, and so fixed our gentleman, neat as a prodded eel on a pair of prongs namely, the positive fact and the general knowledge of it. But, mark me, my friend. We understand one another at a nod.

Here is a spear for you, and the pistols in your holsters are loaded and primed." I mounted without asking any more questions.

Tony also contained a grievance and a plot. He, too, was a Corrigan hater, and had been primed to see it in others. "How you like-a Mr. Corrigan?" he asked. "You think-a him a nice-a man?" "To hell with 'm," he said. "May his liver turn to water, and the bones of him crack in the cold of his heart.

Sellon and Volckmar increased its efficiency by putting the paste into holes cast in the lead. The "E. P. S." accumulator of the Electrical Power Storage Company is illustrated in figure 21, and consists of a glass or teak box containing two sets of leaden grids perforated with holes, which are primed with the paste and steeped in dilute sulphuric acid.

I tell you Prescott's hooked." "I hope you're right" Mudge's tone was doubtful "but get it out of your head that he's an easy mark. I know that outfit; they're conservative as a country bank. Prescott didn't ask questions enough." "Didn't ask questions enough? Lord amighty, he was cocked and primed." Mudge smiled grimly. "Not for Prescott.

Michael had primed his sister with his wishes regarding Will, and the position in which he stood with Susan; and arriving at Yew Nook in the absence of the latter, he had not scrupled to conduct his sister into the guest-room, as he held Mrs.

Stones flew, but words flew faster and stuck more deep. The mob, as she blundered through the streets, shuffling, gasping, stumbling at her caught gown, dry-eyed, open-mouthed, panting her terror, her bewilderment, her shame and amaze the mob, I say, dizzied about her like a cloud of wasps; yet they had in them what wasps have not voices primed by hatred to bay her mad. It was a mad race.

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