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Updated: January 13, 2025
The course of this history must be interrupted for a moment, while the origin and exploits of this formidable African are recorded. Beyond the chain of Mount Atlas, in the deserts of ancient Getulia, dwelt two tribes of Arabian descent both, probably, of the greater one of Zanhaga, so illustrious in Arabian history.
Hoc spatio nunc est Biledulgerit provinciae major pars, ubi Targa regnum, et quatuor deserta, Lempta, Zuenziga, Zanhaga, Hair. Atlas Mons. Gaetulos a Meridie claudit mons Atlas, totius Africae vel fabulosissimus.
Deserta in ea sunt, Lempta, Hair, Zuenziga, Zanhaga a singulis opidis cognominibus, adpellata. Regna Targa, Bardoa et Gaoga, itidem ab opidis dicta. Sarra desertum. Continuatur huic regioni versus Meridiem Sarra, cujus longitudo a regno Gaoga ad regnum Gualata extenditur. Nigrita.
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