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Updated: September 28, 2024

"Sufficit huic tumulus, cui non sufficeret orbis." That of Tasso: "Les os du Tasse." Similar to which is that of Dryden: "Dryden." The following is that of General Foy, in Pere la Chaise: By accident the meaning was discovered, and the solution is equally remarkable for its ingenuity and for the morality it inculcates: "O superbe quid superbis? tua superbia te superabit.

She understands every thing. I'd give ten Pounds to hear her argue with my Friend Sir ANDREW FREEPORT about Trade. No, no, for all she looks so innocent as it were, take my Word for it she is no Fool. No. 119. Tuesday, July 17, 1711. Addison. 'Urbem quam dicunt Romam, Melibaee, putavi Stultus ego huic nostrae similem ... Virg.

At this side is a feathered angel. The original inscription, cut into stone and fixed above the effigy, remains uninjured: "Carolus Booth, episcopus Herefordensis cum 18 annos, 5 menses et totidem dies Ecclesiæ huic cum laude prefuisset, quinto die Maii 1535 defunctus sub hoc tumulo sepultus jacet."

Afflictus rerum nostrarum status nos movit, ut fidelibus perchari regni Hungariæ statibus de hostili provinciæ nostræ hereditariæ, Austriæ invasione, et imminente regno huic periculo, adeoque de considerando remedio propositionem scrïpto facíamus.

Puellae tenerae a decimo primum anno, et pueri a decimo tertio vel quarto, inter se miscentur. Senioribus mos est, si forte gentium plurium castra appropinquant, viros noctu huic inde transeuntes, uxoribus alienis uti et in sua castra ex utraque parte mane redire. Parentes saepe infantum, viri uxorum quaestum corporum faciunt.

Obvius huic venias, hedera iuvenilia cinctus Tempora, cum Calvo, docte Catulle, tuo. We must lament the total loss of a volume of lyrics which competent judges thought worthy to be set beside that of his wonderful friend.

Soon we heard the tinkling of the little bell, saw the cross coming in, carried by a child, and the priest clad in white carrying the holy vessels. Jahel, M. d'Anquetil, Madame Coquebert and I fell on our knees. "Pax huic domui," said the priest. "Et omnibus habiantibus in en," replied the servitor. Then the vicar took holy water and sprayed it over the patient and the bed.

I assure myself that I have left no offence or hatred behind me; to leave regret or desire for me amongst them, I at least know very well that I never much aimed at it: "Mene huic confidere monstro! Mene salis placidi vultum, fluctusque quietos Ignorare?" Should I be ignorant of the dangers of that seeming placid sea, those now quiet waves?"

"Lacrymosa dies illa, Qua resurgat ex favilla Judicandus homo reus Huic ergo parce, Deus: Pie Jesu Domine Dona eis requiem!" But Varillo still shrieked "Help!" and his frenzied cries were at last answered. The great bell overhead ceased ringing suddenly, and its cessation created an effect of silence even amid the noise of the crackling fire and the continued grave music of the organ.

The coffer containing the Holy Oils was likewise there, a very ancient silver coffer bearing the Boccanera arms. And on Don Vigilio following the Cardinal back into the bed-room they in turn pronounced the Latin words: "Pax huic domui." "Et omnibus habitantibus in ea."* * "Peace unto this house and unto all who dwell in it." Trans.

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