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Updated: September 1, 2024

The fact that classical learning acts to derange the learner's workmanlike attitudes should fall lightly upon the apprehension of those who hold workmanship of small account in comparison with the cultivation of decorous ideals: Iam fides et pax et honos pudorque Priscus et neglecta redire virtus Audet.

There are no poems of the growth of love among them; from the first, Lesbia appears as the absolute mistress of her lover's heart: Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus, Rumoresque senum severiorum Omnes unius aestimemus assis. Soles occidere et redire possunt; Nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux Nox est perpetua una dormienda:

Yes, even Death of which he says noble things. The old melodious weeping of the poets Moschus over his mallows, and Catullus with his 'Soles occidere et redire possunt' Whitman has no touch of that. Noble grief there is in him, and noble melancholy can come upon him, but acquiescence is his last word.

Cum multa legeris et cognoveris, ad unum semper oportet redire principium. The historic estimate is likely in especial to affect our judgment and our language when we are dealing with ancient poets; the personal estimate when we are dealing with poets our contemporaries, or at any rate modern. The exaggerations due to the historic estimate are not in themselves, perhaps, of very much gravity.

During a year or two of adolescence I used to be dabbling in chemistry a good deal, and as about that time I had my little aspirations and passions like another, some of these things got mixed up with each other: orange-colored fumes of nitrous acid, and visions as bright and transient; reddening litmus-paper, and blushing cheeks; eheu! "Soles occidere et redire possunt,"

Et si aliqui eorum redire noluerint, domini eorum & rex Conaciæ accipiat obsides ab omnibus quos ei commisit dominus rex Angliæ ad voluntatem domini regis & suam. Et ipse dabit obsides ad voluntatem domini regis Angliæ illos vel alios, & ipsi seruient domino de canibus & auibus suis singulis annis de præsentis suis.

Some modern sophists assure us that this safe-conduct or free pass, as they prefer to call it engaged the imperial word for Huss' safety in going to the council, but for nothing more a most perfidious document, if this is all which it undertook; for the words I quote the more important of them in the original Latin are as follows: "ut ei transire, stare, morari, redire permittatis."

He further stated "that the stars on the book plate were of Roman origin," and in support quoted from Virgil "Redire ad astra," meaning and inferring that a return to the stars meant a future home of peace and happiness for the human race, and that is what this nation would eventually become.

During a year or two of adolescence I used to be dabbling in chemistry a good deal, and as about that time I had my little aspirations and passions like another, some of these things got mixed up with each other: orange-colored fumes of nitrous acid, and visions as bright and transient; reddening litmus-paper, and blushing cheeks; eheu! "Soles occidere et redire possunt,"

See also Mueller's Dorians, vol. ii. p. 41. Pueros puberos neque prius in urbem redire quam viri facti essent. Justin, iii. 3. When Themistocles sought to extort tribute from the Andrians, he said, "I bring with me two powerful gods Persuasion and Force." "And on our side," was the answer, "are two deities not less powerful Poverty and Despair!"

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