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"I want you not to be nonsensical," she replied energetically. How that tiny box burned in his pocket! Should he toss it away, that circlet of gold with Semper fidelis engraved within it? How he used to write on his slate: "Morris Kemlo, Semper fidelis" and she had never once scorned it, but had written her own name with the same motto beneath it.

But would God forgive me, if, in my groping, I brought such misery of loneliness to another, knowing now what manner of thing it is?" From the Diary of Eric Lane. "Tam saepe nostrum decipi Fabullinum Miraris, Aule? Semper homo bonus tiro est." "If you care for a six-months' lecturing tour in America," wrote Grierson, "I have an unrivalled offer. You would start in the New Year. . . ."

Then, too, what we did last year was on the spur of the moment. If we tried to do the same thing this year it might fall flat, on account of being too carefully planned. Besides, these girls have the privilege of borrowing from the Semper Fidelis fund now, and I imagine most of them have done so. Of course, only the treasurer knows that."

I was afraid to look anybody in the face, but was one day obliged to go to Meser's music shop, where I met Gottfried Semper just buying a text-book of Tannhauser.

If there is anything to be done at all to-day, it must be in the evening. But I fear there will be nothing. One can't work always nowther. "Neque semper arcum tendit Apollo." There's warrant for it. July 2. Wrote in the morning, correcting the Essay on the Highlands, which is now nearly completed. Settled accounts with Tom and Bogie.

IMPERIUM: so Verg. Georg. 1, 99 exercetque frequens tellurem atque imperat agris; ib. 2, 369 dura exerce imperia et ramos compesce fluentes; Tac. Germ. 26 sola terrae seges imperatur. SED ALIAS ... FAENORE: put for sed semper cum faenore, alias minore, plerumque maiore.

Although canting heraldry is generally reprobated, it seems nevertheless to have been adopted in the arms and mottos of many honourable families. Thus the motto of the Vernons, Ver non semper viret, is a perfect pun, and so is that of the Onslows, Festina lente. The Periissem ni per-iissem of the Anstruthers is liable to a similar objection.

Brandishing his weapon, and crying, "Sic semper tyrannis," the assassin leaped to the stage, sustaining a severe injury. Regaining his feet, he shouted, "The South is avenged!" and made his escape. The bullet had pierced the President's brain and rendered him insensible. He was removed to a house near by, where he died next morning.

Sic semper tyrannis! yelled the robins, scattering wildly as I ran down the steps to save him, if it were not too late. He died in my hands a moment later, with curious maliciousness nipping my finger sharply at the last gasp. He was the only squirrel of the lot who knew how to hide in a line; and never a one since his day has taken the jump from oak to maple over the driveway.

Answer this point, and say also if you have got promotion; for what precise sign you are algebraically expressed by at this writing, may serve Fitzgerald for a fellowship question. As for us, we are jogging along, semper eadem, that is, worse and worse.

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