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IMPERIUM: so Verg. Georg. 1, 99 exercetque frequens tellurem atque imperat agris; ib. 2, 369 dura exerce imperia et ramos compesce fluentes; Tac. Germ. 26 sola terrae seges imperatur. SED ALIAS ... FAENORE: put for sed semper cum faenore, alias minore, plerumque maiore.

Lord Kames wrote one, which is published in Chambers's Traditions of Edinburgh, ed. 1825, i. 280. In it he bids the traveller to 'indulge the hope of a Monumental Pillar. See ante, iii. 85; and v. 154. He however did break through his rule in his epitaph in Streatham Church on Mr. Thrale, where he says: 'Abi viator. Ib. i. 154.

To amuse Lady Philipps under a long illness, they had read to her the account of the Pelew Islands. Somebody happened to say we were sending a ship thither; the black, who was in the room, exclaimed, "Then there is an end of their happiness." What a satire on Europe! Ib. ix. 157.

"'Massa Geral, he said in a mysterious whisper, for old age and long services in my family have given him privileges which I have neither the power nor the inclination to check 'Massa Geral, pulling me by the collar 'I dam ib he no go sleep when him ought to hab all him eyes about him him pretty fellow to keep watch when Yankee pass him in e channel.

I doubt this, though I have no doubt that it would be pernicious. The yearly blossoming of Aaron's rod is against Skelton, who confounds single facts with classes of 'phænomena', and he draws his conclusion from an arbitrary and, as seems to me, senseless definition of a miracle. Ib. p. 214. End of Discourse II.

Ib. p. 84. For all the pains that my infirmities ever brought upon me were never half so grievous an affliction to me, as the unavoidable loss of my time, which they occasioned. I could not bear, through the weakness of my stomach, to rise before seven o'clock in the morning, &c.

'It was with Garrick a fixed principle that authors were intitled to the emolument of their labours, and by that generous way of thinking he held out an invitation to men of genius. Ib. p. 362. See ante, p. 70, and post, April 24, 1779.

He positively asserts as a truth known to him what it is impossible he should know: he is therefore doubly a slanderer; for first, the charge is a gross calumny; and were it otherwise, he would still be a slanderer, for he could have no proof, no ground for such a charge. Ib. p. 15.

If not, why Elijah rather than any other Prophet? One answer is obvious enough, that the contemporaries of John held Elijah as the common representative of the Prophets; but did Malachi do so? Ib. p. 373. I cannot conceive a more beautiful synopsis of a work on the Prophecies of the Old Testament, than is given in this Recapitulation. Would that its truth had been equally well substantiated!

For they entered into the garden about the hour at noon day, and having appetites to eat, she took delight in the apple; then about two of the clock, according to our account, was the fall. Milton has adopted this notion in the Paradise Lost not improbably from this book. Ib. p. 365.

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